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Chinese Womens Magazine - Funü zazhi - 1917
Funü zazhi
No. 003 (28 February, 1917)
Pages available: 1 - 148 (148 total)
婦女雜誌第三卷第三號 Ladies' Journal volume 3, issue three
愛讀婦女雜誌者琴川陸逸塵女士小影 Photograph of Mrs. Lu Yichen from Qinchuan
上海愛國女學學生盛錦紈馮復新繪工筆美人畫二幅 (一)溪畔浣紗 (二)花間讀畫 Two paintings of beauties by Shanghai nationalist students Sheng Jinwan and Feng Fuxin (one) On the bank of a creek washing silk (two) Looking at a painting among flowers)
湖南私立周南女子師範學校學生烹飪攝影 Photograph of cooking at Hunan Zhounan private girls' normal school
日本東京高等蠶桑學校肄業生姚鋈君與北京女子師範畢業生陳淑瑗女士結婚攝影 Tokyo Japan. Wedding photograph of sericulture college student Yao Wujun and Beijing girls' normal graduate Chen Shuyuan
社說 Editorial [title page]
論補救小學教育之缺點(美國母範雜誌) Discussion of the shortcomings of primary school education (translation from American model mothers magazine)
論補救小學教育之缺點(美國母範雜誌) Discussion of the shortcomings of primary school education (translation from American model mothers magazine)
論補救小學教育之缺點(美國母範雜誌) Discussion of the shortcomings of primary school education (translation from American model mothers magazine)
論補救小學教育之缺點(美國母範雜誌) Discussion of the shortcomings of primary school education (translation from American model mothers magazine)
論補救小學教育之缺點(美國母範雜誌) Discussion of the shortcomings of primary school education (translation from American model mothers magazine)
論補救小學教育之缺點(美國母範雜誌) Discussion of the shortcomings of primary school education (translation from American model mothers magazine)
論補救小學教育之缺點(美國母範雜誌) Discussion of the shortcomings of primary school education (translation from American model mothers magazine)
論補救小學教育之缺點(美國母範雜誌) Discussion of the shortcomings of primary school education (translation from American model mothers magazine)
涵芬樓, 古今文鈔
學藝門 Learning and skills [title page]
家庭藥物學(續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
家庭藥物學(續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
家庭藥物學(續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
家庭藥物學(續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
婦女與專門之智識 Specialized knowledge of women
婦女與專門之智識 Specialized knowledge of women
婦女與專門之智識 Specialized knowledge of women
家事衣類整理法(續) Method for sorting out household cloth (for laundry) (continued)
家事衣類整理法(續) Method for sorting out household cloth (for laundry) (continued)
家事衣類整理法(續) Method for sorting out household cloth (for laundry) (continued)
家事衣類整理法(續) Method for sorting out household cloth (for laundry) (continued)
家事衣類整理法(續) Method for sorting out household cloth (for laundry) (continued)
家事衣類整理法(續) Method for sorting out household cloth (for laundry) (continued)
家事衣類整理法(續) Method for sorting out household cloth (for laundry) (continued)
家事衣類整理法(續) Method for sorting out household cloth (for laundry) (continued)
蜜蜂 Honey bees
除法新術 New division techique
蜜蜂 Honey bees
除法新術 New division techique
蜜蜂 Honey bees
除法新術 New division techique
蜜蜂 Honey bees
除法新術 New division techique
家政門 Home economics [title page]
家庭與學校教育兒童之要義(續) Key points on home and school education of children translation (continued)
家庭與學校教育兒童之要義(續) Key points on home and school education of children translation (continued)
家庭與學校教育兒童之要義(續) Key points on home and school education of children translation (continued)
家庭與學校教育兒童之要義(續) Key points on home and school education of children translation (continued)
家庭與學校教育兒童之要義(續) Key points on home and school education of children translation (continued)
家庭與學校教育兒童之要義(續) Key points on home and school education of children translation (continued)
西國婚姻制度進化史 Evolution of marriage system in the West
西國婚姻制度進化史 Evolution of marriage system in the West
西國婚姻制度進化史 Evolution of marriage system in the West
西國婚姻制度進化史 Evolution of marriage system in the West
家庭體操 Household gymnastics
家庭體操 Household gymnastics
家庭體操 Household gymnastics
記述門 Records [title page]
紀倫敦女學生之愛國聯合會 Record from the patriotic association of female students in London
紀倫敦女學生之愛國聯合會 Record from the patriotic association of female students in London
紀倫敦女學生之愛國聯合會 Record from the patriotic association of female students in London
紀倫敦女學生之愛國聯合會 Record from the patriotic association of female students in London
紀倫敦女學生之愛國聯合會 Record from the patriotic association of female students in London
紀倫敦女學生之愛國聯合會 Record from the patriotic association of female students in London
紀倫敦女學生之愛國聯合會 Record from the patriotic association of female students in London
紀倫敦女學生之愛國聯合會 Record from the patriotic association of female students in London
記開州獄 Record from operating a state prison
記開州獄 Record from operating a state prison
記開州獄 Record from operating a state prison
參觀蘇州慕家花園幼稚園記 Record of a visit to Mujia garden kindergarten in Suzhou
參觀蘇州慕家花園幼稚園記 Record of a visit to Mujia garden kindergarten in Suzhou
參觀蘇州慕家花園幼稚園記 Record of a visit to Mujia garden kindergarten in Suzhou
參觀蘇州慕家花園幼稚園記 Record of a visit to Mujia garden kindergarten in Suzhou
靈巖山遊記 Travelogue from Lingyan mountain
靈巖山遊記 Travelogue from Lingyan mountain
靈巖山遊記 Travelogue from Lingyan mountain
文苑 Literary garden [title page]
祭曹氏姊文 Essay by sister Ji Caoshi
祭曹氏姊文 Essay by sister Ji Caoshi
湘均樓詩存 Poems from the Xiang jun building
湘均樓詩存 Poems from the Xiang jun building
小說 Fiction [title page]
算學家 Mathematicians
算學家 Mathematicians
算學家 Mathematicians
算學家 Mathematicians
杜鵑魂(續) Spirit of the Cuckoo (continued)
杜鵑魂(續) Spirit of the Cuckoo (continued)
杜鵑魂(續) Spirit of the Cuckoo (continued)
杜鵑魂(續) Spirit of the Cuckoo (continued)
豆棚鶯語 (續) Sound of warblers in the bean canopy (continued)
豆棚鶯語 (續) Sound of warblers in the bean canopy (continued)
豆棚鶯語 (續) Sound of warblers in the bean canopy (continued)
豆棚鶯語 (續) Sound of warblers in the bean canopy (continued)
豆棚鶯語 (續) Sound of warblers in the bean canopy (continued)
豆棚鶯語 (續) Sound of warblers in the bean canopy (continued)
國文範作 Exemplary essays [title page]
膝解丙辰秋 Explainations of the knee
膝解丙辰秋 Explainations of the knee
記校園古井 Record of the school of the ancient well
記校園古井 Record of the school of the ancient well
雜俎 Miscellaneous collection [title page]
閨秀詩話(續) Poetry by ladies (continued)
閨秀詩話(續) Poetry by ladies (continued)
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
辭源, 新舊名詞中外典故無不詳備 Etymology of nouns, new and old, Chinese and foreign
餘興 Entertainment [title page]
模範兒童 Model children
模範兒童 Model children
模範兒童 Model children
模範兒童 Model children
模範兒童 Model children
簡易幻術(續) Simple magic (continued)
簡易幻術(續) Simple magic (continued)
no caption
簡易幻術(續) Simple magic (continued)
no caption--science experiment
簡易幻術(續) Simple magic (continued)
no caption-- bird
no caption-- bird
第一圖 -六圖 Figure one -- six
第一圖 第二圖 FIgures one and two
女飛行家史蒂生女士演說飛機記 Record of aviator Ms. Shi Disheng's speech on aircraft
第七圖 Figure seven
第八圖 Figure eight
no caption--stele
第十圖 Figure ten