No. 001 (18 March, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 36 (36 total)
郵票大王周今覺之女公子即新嫁娘周淑蘅女士 Ms Zhou Shuheng, daughter of stamp's king Zhou Jinjue - shortly to be married
周銘張桂卿兩女士之時裝合影 Group photo of Ms Zhou Ming and Ms Zhang Guiqing showing their latest fashion
萬國職業婦女聯合大會假航海青年會聚餐 The dinner party of the International Joint Conference of working women, taking advantage of the opportunity of the meeting of Young Seafolk
婦女要聞 Women's Important News
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丈夫有外遇 The Extramarital Affair of a Husband
美國檀香山風景絕佳『呼啦』舞為該土人特長。此吾國華僑學校遊藝會中女生之表演呼啦舞也。 The landscape of Honululu (USA) is fantastic; The local aboriginals are skilled in the "Hula" dance. This is the "Hula" dance performed by female students of the school for oversea Chinese at a fun fair.
新婚后之葛璐茜女士 Newly Married Ms Ge Luqian
給姊妹們 Note to (Elder and Younger) Sisters
丈夫有外遇 The Extramarital Affair of a Husband
女子與音樂 Women and Music
作者李翠貞女士 Writer Ms Li Cuizhen
慈善跳舞會的珍聞 Valuable News on the Charity Dance
李國綬女士聞名於社交場中此其最近新裝異常美麗 Ms Li Guoshou is well-known at occasions for socializing. Here she is in her latest mode, which is extraordinarily beautiful.
他的信 His Letter
作者薛錦園女士近影 A Recent Photo of Writer Ms Xue Jinyuan
他的信 His Letter
我的交際 My Social Life
閨秀聚餐藉以聯絡感情,能與男友聯合舉行則興緻更濃 Young ladies dine together to keep up friendship. It would be more fun if it could be enjoyed together with male friends.
我的交際 My Social Life
作者梁佩琴女士近影 Close-up view of writer Ms Liang Peiqin
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作者楊一珠女士 Writer Ms Yang Yizhu
不嫁主義 Ideology of not Marrying
不嫁主義 Ideology of not Marrying
本雜誌的目標: 增進"婦女"優美生活,提倡社會高尚"娛樂"
現代家庭之陳設 Modern Household Furnishings
現代家庭陳設應有之改革 Necessary Reforms of Modern Household Furnishings
女子與跳舞 Women and Dance
作者鄭美秀女士 Writer Ms Zheng Meixiu
作者梁佩芬女士 Writer Ms Liang Peifen
男性觀 Thoughts on Men
男性觀 Thoughts on Men
兒童天真爛漫無憂無慮是固人生最快樂之時期觀此影余深願返老為童矣 Children are innocent and carefree. Childhood is the happiest period of life. While looking at this picture, How I wish I could be a child again!
本刊目標: 增進"婦女"優美之生活
摩登女子之明鏡 "Bright mirror" for modern women
電影明星之生活 海灘香腿之狂舞 The life of movie stars; the crazy dance of legs on the beach.
摩登女子之明鏡 "Bright mirror" for modern women
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電影明星之生活 海灘香腿之狂舞 The life of movie stars; the crazy dance of legs on the beach.
同時進行 Concurrent Developments
她與他 She and He
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Linloon Magazine
她煩悶恍惚 他則虛弱疲憊
定報價目 The subscription price
請吸福爾摩斯牌香煙 Please smoke/enjoy Holmes Cigarettes
福爾摩斯香煙徵文啟事 Call for essays in the name of Holmes
人人可得獎品一千元每月照付 Eveyone can get 1000 Yuan prize issued per month
無限制 No Limit
臨時妻子 Part-time Wife
新月 New Moon
臨時妻子 Part time wife
新月 New Moon
無限制 No Limit
運動與中國(續) China and Sports (continued)
網球為戶外運動最柔和者男女均宜乃高尚健身之娛樂 Tennis is the most gentle outdoor activity which is suitable for both men and women. It is a noble entertainment to strengthen your body.
快快預定 Subscribe quickly
運動與中國(續) China and Sports (continued)
運動為長生之秘訣 Doing sports is the secret to long life.
沒有別個娛樂 There is no other entertainmant
黑影亦為本人為此影乃德國攝影家開斯燈之新作風 The black shadow is me as well. Because this is the new style of the German photographer, Kaisideng.
雪蝶之訟 Lin Xuehuai and Hu Die's Case
雪蝶過眼的泡影 Lin Xuehuai and Hudie's old photo
應否 Should I
後台的浪漫青春 Romatic Youth Behind the Scenes
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南錫卡洛之笑姿 Nancy Carroll’s smile
玲瓏消息 Linglong News
甜——南錫卡洛 Sweet-Nancy Carroll
明星的新裝 The Stars' New Dresses
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目的: 嬌小而精美,超乎大雜誌。
離婚後的珍妮蓋諾 Janet Gaynor After Her Divorce
蓋諾和她的丈夫潘克 Gaynor and her husband [Jesse Lydell] Peck
離婚後的珍妮蓋諾 Janet Gaynor After Her Divorce
重逢後的重吻(回來的人之一幕) A deep kiss after reunion (A scene from the film "Returner")
編輯者言 Editor's note
著名明星之大集會 Big meeting of famous stars
編輯者言 Editor's note
葛烈泰嘉寶 Greta Garbo
克洛勃萊克及愛姆樸合演之『桑娜』 Clive Brook and Evelyn Brent together in their movie "Sangna"