No. 048 (27 April, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
明眸皓齒之中西女生唐瓊琚 Tang Qiongju, a female student from Zhongxi (Chinese-Western) girls' school with bright eyes and white teeth
何麗蓮女士玉照 Precious photo of Ms He Lilian
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第四十八期要目 Important contents of issue 48
戰爭如再爆發姊妹們應有的表示 The response that our sisters should have if war breaks out again.
戰爭如再爆發姊妹們應有的表示 The response that our sisters should have if war breaks out again.
戰爭如再爆發姊妹們應有的表示 The response that our sisters should have if war breaks out again.
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男子結婚心理之分析 The analysis of marriage psychology of men
男子結婚心理之分析 The analysis of marriage psychology of men
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回憶我的學校生活 To recall my school life
回憶我的學校生活 To recall my school life
巴黎新裝 New fashion in Paris
巴黎婦女之長短競爭 The competition between "the short" and "the long" among women in Paris
怎樣對付丈夫 How to deal with your husband
怎樣對付丈夫 How to deal with your husband
解答疑難 Doubts, difficulties and solutions
我要走哪一條路 Which way should I go
我要走哪一條路 Which way should I go
戰地照片 Battlefield photos
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婚姻難題 A ticklish problem about marriage
沃度兒 Odol
沃度兒 Odol
介紹實用智識與經驗,勸導指迷與改良生活。 Introduction of practical knowledge and experience. Giving advice, dispelling doubts and improving life
戰地之常識 Common knowledge at battlefield
孕婦攝生方法 Pregnant women's hygienism
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案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
黎明暉情海起風波 Li Minghui's troublesome love affair
黎明暉情海起風波 Li Minghui's troublesome love affair
黎明暉情海起風波 Li Minghui's troublesome love affair
本刊啟事 Announcement of our magazine
值得記牢的 Things to keep firmly in mind
歌舞時代的黎明暉 The age of singing and dancing
一幅世界攝影名作,埃及少女 An Egyptian Girl, a famous photograph in the world,
立在花前的孩子,大概屬於女性的你不信時,可以去問問女孩子們,沒有一個不愛花朵的。 A child standing in front of flowers might be female. If you don't believe this, you could go and ask girls, none of whom doesn't like flowers.
外國小孩子好動,所以活潑可愛,你看他穿了睡衣進房去的一臉笑容,多少有味! Foreign children are active, so they are lively and cute. Look at him, full of smiles on his face when he is about to go into the room wearing a pajama. How impressive!
紅十字會救出之戰地難民 Battlefield refugees rescued by the Red Cross
我軍前線之臥地射擊 Shooting while lying on the ground of our army in the frontline
十九路軍長蔡廷鍇及戴戟 Cai Tingkai and Dai Ji, commanders of the 19th route army
十九路軍之巷戰陣地 The alley battle field of the 19th route army
日軍之鋼盔軍械為我軍所獲 Steel helmets and weapons of the Japanese army acquired by our army
民眾慰勞品輸送之忙碌 The busy scene of the transportation of appreciation gifts from the public
女子救護隊 Women's First-Aid Team
馮庸大學女子義勇軍進餐時攝影 The photo of the women's army of volunteers from Feng Yong university while having meal
射擊敵人 Shooting the enemy
掘壕 Dig a trench
健康的體格為人人所羨慕的 A healthy physique is desired by everyone
春裝 Spring fashion
春裝 Spring fashion
嬌小玲瓏的梁賽珍 Small and delicate Liang Saizhen
聯華攝影場中富於表情之陳燕燕 The expressive Chen Yanyan in the Lianhua film studio
金燄與錢杏球在人道一片中的熱烈奔放大足驚人 The passion and boldness shown by Jin Yan and Qian Xinqiu in the movie "Humanity" is very surprising
好萊塢電影女星南錫卡洛的近影 Recent photo of Nancy Carroll, the Hollywood movie star
中華郵政特准掛號立券之報紙 The newspaper, which has the special permission of China Post for business transactions and registered delivery
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine
本刊招請天津,新加坡,烟台,青島經銷處 We are looking for sales agencies at Tianjin, Singapore, Yantai, and Qingdao.
好殺是兒童的天性嗎? Are children fond of killing by nature?
好殺是兒童的天性嗎? Are children fond of killing by nature?
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
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逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
玲瓏雜誌廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement in Linglong magazine
定報價目 The subscription price
少女的初戀 (八) The first love of a young girl (part eight)
少女的初戀 (八) The first love of a young girl (part eight)
"托肺" 的製法 The recipe of "toffee"
少女的初戀 (八) The first love of a young girl (part eight)
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慢性畫家 Slow painter
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犧牲 Sacrifice
續定本刊之利益 Benefits of renewing one's subscription of our magazine
黑婦 (張亮) Black woman (Zhang Liang)
擲球 (夏忠誠) Throw a ball (Xia Zhongcheng)
爵士 (李芳) Jazz (Li Fang)
人情 (辛志英) Human sympathy
推車 (林雄) Push a cart (Lin Xiong)
開步走 (王德仁) Take a step (Wang Deren)
卓別林范朋克的初次會晤 The first meeting of Chaplin and Fairbanks
拼圖遊戲 Jigsaw's game
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王開照相館 Wang Kai photo studio
編輯者言 Editor´s Note
卓別林范朋克的初次會晤 The first meeting of Chaplin and Fairbanks
編輯者言 Editor's note
一宴香腸一哩 The total length of sausages for one party is one mile
海外奇聞三則 Three pieces of odd news from overseas
海外奇聞三則 Three pieces of odd news from overseas
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導演逼淚妙法 The director's clever method to draw tears
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我們應該怎樣娛樂 How should we entertain ourselves
華萊司的替身 The double of Hualaisi
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男保姆 Male nannies
美國大隊肉屏風被捕記 A large group of naked people were arrested in America
注意五十期週年號 Pay attention to the anniversary issue 50
電影 Movies
電影 Movies
好萊塢電影珍聞,嘉保的四位恩人 Hollywood movie titbits, four benefactors of Jiabao
美國新進明星裘理愛康登 Qiuli Aikangdeng, the American budding star
"人獸奇觀"之女主角愛溫[......] Aiwen..., the heroin of "Spectacle between Human and Animal"