No. 102 (12 July, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
蘇州東吳大學學生(右)莊秉貞(左)孫加辛女士 (right) Zhuang Binzhen (left) Sun Jiaxin nu shi of the Suzhou University
杭州九溪十八澗的澗裡 In a river which belongs to the 9 streams and 18 rivulets in Hangzhou
國聯在華禁娼與首都之弛娼禁 The United Nation wants to forbid prostitution whereas our capital city just loosened the laws against prostitution
玲瓏婦女圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
國聯在華禁娼與首都之弛娼禁 The United Nation wants to forbid prostitution whereas our capital city just loosened the laws against prostitution
國聯在華禁娼與首都之弛娼禁 The United Nation wants to forbid prostitution whereas our capital city just loosened the laws against prostitution
三年來我們愛的生活 Our life of love during the past three years
三年來我們愛的生活 Our life of love during the past three years
怎樣消遣這暑假:幹一些有意識的事情 How to make use of the free time in this summer vacation: doing something meaningful
怎樣消遣這暑假:幹一些有意識的事情 How to make use of the free time in this summer vacation: doing something meaningful
夢的謎 riddles in the dreams
第三種男子 The third kind of men
夢的謎 riddles in the dreams
第三種男子 The third kind of men
夢的謎 riddles in the dreams
革命時期中的俄國婦女 Russian Women during the Revolution
革命時期中的俄國婦女 Russian Women during the Revolution
定戶注意 for subscribers
婦女消息 Women's News
脫離黑暗的家庭 To get rid of a negative family
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
脫離黑暗的家庭 To get rid of a negative family
脫離黑暗的家庭 To get rid of a negative family
脫離黑暗的家庭 To get rid of a negative family
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
玲瓏雜誌彙刊 Linglong Magazine Collections
補取"玲瓏"之良機 a good chance to order old issues of Linglong
處世為人常識(上):關於個人方面 Common knowledge of one's attitude of doing things: Concerning some personal habits
常識 Common knowledge
處世為人常識(上):關於個人方面 Common knowledge of one's attitude of doing things: Concerning some personal habits
創傷之急救法 injury first aid
牙齒的衛生 Teeth Care
速購連環利益券 please buy the interest coupon as soon as possible
本報等特請名醫為讀者義務診病啟事 Our magazine has hired a famous doctor to give our readers free medical counseling
讀者診病券 A Coupon for Medical Consulting
法律顧問:叔嫂結婚 Legal Counsel: marriage between siblings-in-law
法律顧問:阻女從良 Legal Counsel: stopping his prostitute daughter from getting married
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
法律顧問:阻女從良 Legal Counsel: stopping his prostitute daughter from getting married
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
定報價目 The subscription price
在草地上:(右)兩個小朋友很奇怪地發現他們倆的照像登在報上 On the lawn: (right) two little children were surprised to find that their photos are published on the journal.
在草地上:(上)中國實業銀行行長劉惠芝之姪年僅六歲,即善歌能舞 On the lawn: (above) the niece of Liu Huizhi, the Leader of the Chinese Industrial Bank. He is only 6 years old but already good at singing and dancing.
海潮將下去的時候 歐洲女性健康的美 The Ebb. The Healthy Beauty of a European Woman.
女人在野蠻國家是這樣的:廟會時的神化像奇俗 Women in barbarian countries look like this: statue of a deity at the celebrations of the temples.
女人在野蠻國家是這樣的:南菲土人婦女最時髦的束裝 Women in barbarian countries are like this: the most fashionable outfits of women of some tribes in South Africa.
女人在野蠻國家是這樣的:婦女們背部的美麗 Women in barbarian countries are like this: the beautiful backs of women.
畢業了!:上海啟秀女校高中畢業全體 Graduation! The graduation class of the Shanghai Qixiu Girls' School.
畢業了!:上海聖瑪利亞今年畢業生全體 Graduation!: The Graduation Class of the Shanghai Saint Maria Grils' School.
畢業了!:上海晏摩氏女校畢業 Graduation! The Graduation Class from the Yanmoshi Girls' School in Shanghai.
畢業了!:當晏摩氏女校行畢業典禮的時候 Graduation!: The graduation ceremony at the Yanmoshi Girls' School.
明星公司新演員徐來女士之男裝 Ms. Xu Lai is wearing a man's outfit. She is a new actress of the Mingxing Company.
王人美和薛玲仙在閔行留影 Wang Renmai and Xue Lingxian photographed as they were traveling in Min
幽默的接吻:喬馬克利、意琳丹恩 Humorous Kiss: Qiaomakeli, Yilindan'en
幽默的接吻:愛德門羅、蘭西雪羅 Humorous Kiss: Edmund Lowe, Nancy Carroll
幽默的接吻:麗琳哈威,約翰包爾斯 Humorous Kiss: Lilinhawei, Yuehanbaoersi
現在最風騷的女星瓊哈羅同克拉克合演新片(六圖) The most coquettish female star Jean Harlow and Clark casted in a new film. (six picture)
編輯者言 Editor's note
玲瓏婦女圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
嬌滴指甲用品,情人的禮物 Joy Dip Nail Product. A Gift for Your Lover.
嬌滴指甲用品,情人的禮物 Joy Dip Nail Product, a gift for lovers
空前婦女大觀:閨秀影集 An Extraordinary Show of Women's Portraits: Album of Elegant Ladies
畢業禮 The Graduation Ceremony
國貨ABC 雨衣 Domestic Manufactured ABC Rain Coat
國貨ABC 雨衣 Domestic Manufactured ABC Rain Coat
姐妹們,看過"玲瓏"如果滿意,請即介紹給你的親友,必受歡迎的。 sisters, if you are satisfied with Linglong after reading it, please introduce it to your relatives and friends, it will surely be popular.
畢業禮 The Graduation Ceremony
畢業禮 The Graduation Ceremony
標準露光儀 — 高維祥,林澤蒼 — 發明 Standard exposure meter, invented by Gao Weixiang, Lin Zecang
本刊百期紀念徵文 call for essays for our 100th anniversary issue
東吳大學鄒瑞女士 Ms. Zou Rui from the Souzhou University
(下圖) 陳美磯女士 (below) Ms. Chen Meiji
(上)陳女士好友黃女士 (above) Ms. Huang, a good friend of Ms. Chen
不幸的西北婦女們 the miserable women in northwestern China
不幸的西北婦女們(三圖) the miserable women in northwestern China (three pictures)
天一公司新演員葉秋心女士。有人說她有胡蝶的風味? Ms. Ye Qiuxin, a new actress of the Tianyi Company. Some say that she has the charm of Hu Die
遊玄武湖(中)(未完) A Trip to the Xuanwu Lake (part two) (to be continued)
遊玄武湖(中)(未完) A Trip to the Xuanwu Lake (part two) (to be continued)
道學家的情人 The Lover of a Moralist
國民政府航空公路獎券 The Nationalist Government Lottery Tickets of the Public Transportation to be distributed
道學家的情人 The Lover of a Moralist
慕沙裡尼統治下:義大利對生殖之注意 Under Mussolini's Rule: The attention for reproduction of offsprings in Italy
兒童 Children
兩週間中外新片等級 ratings of the domestic and foreign films of these two weeks
速購連環利益券 please buy the interest coupon as soon as possible
小范朋克自討沒趣 Douglas Jr. Fairbanks invited a snub
沒有四季的好萊塢:人工的成績多於自然 There is no change of seasons in Hollywood: there are more artificial than natural scenes
沒有四季的好萊塢:人工的成績多於自然 There is no change of seasons in Hollywood: there are more artificial than natural scenes
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
你們不知道的事情 Things you don't know
七月裏生日的明星 Stars who are born in July
你們不知道的事情 Things you don't know
中央天一合作拍片 The Zhongyang and Tianyi companies are co-shooting a film
拉斯蒲丁禁映 The film Lasipuding is forbidden
袁叢美組織文藝社 Yuan Congmei is organizing the Club of Literature and Art
小賈克古柏也有愛人 Jiakegubo the junior has also got a lover
好來塢的無業人群 Jobless People in Hollywood
好來塢的無業人群 Jobless People in Hollywood
電影檢查會閒話 On the Movie Censorship Committees
幕味 movies
小范朋克--羅烈泰楊 (Douglas Fairbankes Jr., Lolita Young) Douglas Fairbankes Jr.--- Lolita Young
甜姐兒黎莉莉最美麗的照片 The most beautiful picture of sweet girl Li Lili