No. 093 (26 April, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 60 (60 total)
北平民國大學女生梁展如女士 Ms. Liang Zhanru, a student from the Beiping Minguo University
上海的名閨王愛芬女士 Ms. Wang Aifen, a famous lady from Shanghai
婦女 Women
玲瓏圖畫婦女雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
蘇俄的女工生活 the women worker's lif in Russia
蘇俄的女工生活 the women worker's lif in Russia
關於女子參政 on women's participation in the politics
蘇俄的女工生活 the women worker's lif in Russia
關於女子參政 on women's participation in the politics
蘇俄的女工生活 the women worker's lif in Russia
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無婦女男性不離於野蠻 without women, men would stay uncivilized
無婦女男性不離於野蠻 without women, men would stay uncivilized
上海的離婚 divorce cases in Shanghai
讀本誌者,不要忘記三要點: our reader should not forget three points
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男女平等的民族:女子也參加的狩獵生活 a clan with sexual equality: women also participate in hunting
男女平等的民族:女子也參加的狩獵生活 a clan with sexual equality: women also participate in hunting
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世界各國女性的比較(下) a comparison of women in different countries Part II
世界各國女性的比較(下) a comparison of women in different countries Part II
婦女消息二則 two pieces of women's news
常識 Common knowledge
父親的三個理由 father's three reasons for his opposition
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
父親的三個理由 father's three reasons for his opposition
父親的三個理由 father's three reasons for his opposition
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
交際名花:拋夫棄女以身殉情 a famous social beauty: abandoned her husband and daughter and committed suicide for her frustrated love
交際名花:拋夫棄女以身殉情 a famous social beauty: abandoned her husband and daughter and committed suicide for her frustrated love
兒童 Children
對孩子的賞和罰 rewards and punishments for children
兒童 Children
對孩子的賞和罰 rewards and punishments for children
讀本刊如滿意,請介紹給你的女朋友和姊妹們--- if you are satisfied with our magazine, please introduce it to your girl friends and sisters
北平藝專學生剻彥範女士 Ms. Peng Yanfan, a student from the Beiping Art Academy
北平城角風景 a corner of the Beiping city
水面上的一對愛人 a couple on the water
櫻花開了 cherry blossoms in bloom
疾病和看護常識 common knowledge of patient care
疾病和看護常識 common knowledge of patient care
治眼痛法 healing sore eyes
使牙潔白法 how to whiten your teeth
使墨水不滲散 how to prevent ink from spreading
久藏鮮蛋法 fresh egg storage
廢物利用四則 four cases of the utilization of waste
皓齒 White Teeth
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
已嫁之女 a married daughter
戀寡拋妻 married man committed adultery with a window
戀寡拋妻 married man committed adultery with a window
定報價目 The subscription price
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
在室外散步織絨衫 taking a walk and knitting sweaters outside
她們倆在自修室裡 they are both in the study room
捉迷藏是她們最好玩的 Hide-and-Seek is their favorite game
出了校門拿着書包,她們只有往家裏跑 cannot wait any longer, they took their school bags and ran home after the class
她是總天真的笑着(北平師大附小學生張玲君) She is always smiling innocently (Zhang Lingjun at the Beiping Normal University affiliated elementary School )
她是王元龍的長女公子 she is the eldest daughter of Wang Yuanlong
客堂外的裝修 the decoration outside the living room
光明的晒台上 摩登式的佈置 the well-lighted balcony with modern decoration
舞(二圖) Dance (two pictures)
跳舞在影片裏是五花八門的且團體人數到一百二百人以上,更有許多許多新奇的變化。(二圖) Dancing in films are rich in variety. When the groups consist of over 100, 200 people, they can present more varieties.
古典派的形意舞 the metaphisical dance in classical style
在舞台上的爵士舞 jazz dancing on the stage
舞(二圖) Dance (two pictures)
跳舞在影片裏是五花八門的且團體人數到一百二百人以上,更有許多許多新奇的變化。(二圖) Dancing in films are rich in variety. When the groups consist of over 100, 200 people, they can present more varieties.
古典派的幽秀舞 elegant dancing in the classical style
一座只有六和十二、四分之一和四分之三的鐘 a clock with graduation of 6, 12, 1/4 and 3/4
客室一角裝置又清楚又單美麗 a corner of the living room is decorated clearly and beautifully
一張俏皮的放書茶桌 a cute tee table with books
雪爾維雪萊的頭髮又梳裝起來了 Sylvia Sidney's hair ist styled
梅娜克爾的新帽樣子及新學生裝 Meinake'er's new hat and student's outfit
瓊美妮的早衣樣及一頂時髦的帽子 Joan Many(?)'s morning dress and a stylish hat
明星公司的龔稼農,“狂流”是他的得意傑作。 Gong Jianong of the Star Company , "Mad Stream" is his brilliant work
正在聯合攝製“還我山河”的高占非。有人說他是中國最有希望的演員,“都會的早晨”是他的得意傑作。 Gao Zhanfei, who is shooting "huan wo he shan", some say he is the most promising actor in China, one of his great work is "the metropolitan in the morning".
導演卜萬蒼,攝影黃紹芬在工作情形 the director Bu Wancang and the photographer Huang Shaofen working
現在病中的夏佩珍 Xia Peizhen is now sick
編輯者言 Editor's note
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine, the Ladies' Journal
月月紅,女界寶 China Rose, women's treasure
月月紅, 女界寶 China Rose, women's treasure
月月紅, 女界寶 China Rose, women's treasure
冰瑩到福建去了 Bingying went to Fujian
冰瑩到福建去了 Bingying went to Fujian
嬌滴新出品預告 “Joy Dip" coming soon
覺悟的呼聲 awakening
陶先生和洋囡囡 (下) Mr. Tao and the Doll (Part II)
黃柳霜表演中國人同西洋家人接吻 Huang Liushuang is playing kissing with a westerner
梅娜洛裝的中國皇后裝? Myrna Loy playing a chinese empress?
這是美高梅新片“福地”裏裝成古怪的中國的先生和太太(二圖) This is a weird "chinese" couple in a new film "Fudi" produced by the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
野玫瑰、野貓和他的愛護者 a wild rose and wild cat and her supporters
孫瑜、王人美、蔡楚生 Sun Yu, Wang Renmei, Cai Chusheng
同性愛? affection between the sam sex?
同性愛? affection between the sam sex?
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
愛神的俘虜 the captive of Cupid
徵婚 lonely-heart advertisement
春底日記 diaries in spring
長期贈閱玲瓏雜誌、攝影畫報、 婦女日報,完全免費之辦法 ways to be long-term free subscribers to the Linglong Magazine, the Pictorial Weekly and the Women's Daily.
補取"玲瓏"之良機 a good chance to order old issues of Linglong
情書展覽 Love Letters on Display
情書展覽 Love Letters on Display
有這樣負責的丈夫嗎? Are there such responsible husbands?
丈夫的責任 a husband's responsibility
評“女性的吶喊“ on "the cry of women"
兩週間之中外新片 new films of the domestic and foreign production in two weeks
國片界花絮 Titbits of domestic film production
國片界花絮 Titbits of domestic film production
外籍明星將不能在美立足 foreign stars can not base themselves in the U.S.
好萊塢短訊 Hollywood Flash News
吳市長發起籌募電影號飛機,業界參加“空救”之實際工作 the Mayor Wu took the initiative in collecting funds for "Movie airplane", the business field is participating in the works of jet rescue
幕味 Movies
國片界前途樂觀? domestic film production has a bright future?
第一對大情人:珍妮麥唐娜,穆萊薛佛梨 the first couple on the screen: Jeanette McDonald, Mulaixuefoli
表演最動人的阮玲玉 Ruan Lingyu's acting is touching