No. 196 (07 August, 1935)
Pages available: 1 - 80 (80 total)
余秀英女士 Ms. Yu Xiuying
孫耐蘭小姐 Miss Sun Nailan
玲瓏婦女圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
做一位現代女子 To be a modern woman
做一位現代女子 To be a modern woman
交際的真義 The true meaning of socializing
戰爭中的性問題 The issue of sex in the war
戰爭中的性問題 The issue of sex in the war
戰爭中的性問題 The issue of sex in the war
戰爭中的性問題 The issue of sex in the war
要萬分謹慎 Be highly cautious
談貞操 About chastity
要萬分謹慎 Be highly cautious
談貞操 About chastity
國民犧牲精神與女界責任 The sacrifice spirit of the nation and the responsibility of the world of women
國民犧牲精神與女界責任 The sacrifice spirit of the nation and the responsibility of the world of women
國民犧牲精神與女界責任 The sacrifice spirit of the nation and the responsibility of the world of women
國民犧牲精神與女界責任 The sacrifice spirit of the nation and the responsibility of the world of women
一位日本交際花的自白 The confession of a Japanese courtesan
一位日本交際花的自白 The confession of a Japanese courtesan
一位日本交際花的自白 The confession of a Japanese courtesan
一位日本交際花的自白 The confession of a Japanese courtesan
汪曼傑女士 Ms. Wang Manjie
[no caption]
王耐雲女士 Ms. Wang Naiyun
蕭夢女士 Ms. Xiao Meng
丁茵女士 Ms. Ding Yin
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
戀愛不遂想自殺 Disappointed in love, rather commit suicide
戀愛不遂想自殺 Disappointed in love, rather commit suicide
戀愛不遂想自殺 Disappointed in love, rather commit suicide
醉心交際,不好讀書 Indulge in socializing, no interest in learning
醉心交際,不好讀書 Indulge in socializing, no interest in learning
眼臉有紅圈 Red rimmed eyes
眼臉有紅圈 Red rimmed eyes
男子的醜態 Men's ugly manner
少女們的愛 Girls' love
常識 Common knowledge
單眼皮改造雙眼皮 Single eyelid transformed in to double eyelid
單眼皮改造雙眼皮 Single eyelid transformed in to double eyelid
水菓與小兒病療法 Fruits and the treatment of children´s illness
水菓與小兒病療法 Fruits and the treatment of children´s illness
水菓與小兒病療法 Fruits and the treatment of children´s illness
水菓與小兒病療法 Fruits and the treatment of children´s illness
一九三六年美的條件 The qualifications of beautiy in 1936
一九三六年美的條件 The qualifications of beautiy in 1936
娛樂週報創刊號 The first issue of Entertainment Weekly
娛樂週報最近期要目 Important contents of recent issues of Entertainment Weekly
五穀蟲療小兒疳積之神效 Magic effect of maggot-treatment for infantile malnutrition stagnation
噤口痢秘方 Secret prescription for dysentery
噤口痢秘方 Secret prescription for dysentery
耳聾秘方 Secret prescription for deafness
直接定閱玲瓏雜誌、攝影畫報、電聲週刊 六大利益 Six benefits of direct subscription to the Linglong Magazine, the Pictorial Weekly and the Movie Weekly
郭彩芬女士 Ms. Guo Caifen
陳飛霞女士 Ms. Chen Feixia
小妹妹口琴演奏 Little girl playing the harmonica
姊妹 Sisters
滿足與失意 Satisfaction and disappointment
滿足與失意 Satisfaction and disappointment
小明星陳娟娟 Yong star Chen Juanjuan
查瑞龍暹羅夫人趣聞 The anecdote of Zha Ruilong and his Thai wife
電影 Movie
查瑞龍暹羅夫人趣聞 The anecdote of Zha Ruilong and his Thai wife
胡蝶的海上生活 Hu Die's life on the sea
胡蝶的海上生活 Hu Die's life on the sea
胡蝶的海上生活 Hu Die's life on the sea
關於鄭正秋 About Zheng Zhengqiu
關於鄭正秋 About Zheng Zhengqiu
關於鄭正秋 About Zheng Zhengqiu
岳楓王引都是脫底朋友 Yue Feng and Wang Yin are both sloppy guys
黎莉莉落第 Li Lili failed
黎莉莉落第 Li Lili failed
婦女隱痛之救星 The savior of women from their secret pains
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
文藝 Literature and art
W小姐的日記 Miss. W's diary
W小姐的日記 Miss. W's diary
W小姐的日記 Miss. W's diary
W小姐的日記 Miss. W's diary
W小姐的日記 Miss. W's diary
蓮花 Lotus
時代的英雄 Hero of the era
兜安氏補神葯片 DOAN´S spirit-invigoration pills
兜安氏補神葯片 DOAN´S spirit-invigoration pills
兜安氏補神葯片 DOAN´S spirit-invigoration pills
香港許曼麗女士 Ms. Xu Manli from Hong Kong
德國女明星 German woman star
瑪琳台維絲 Mairin Davies
Claire Trevor 好萊塢甜姐 Claire Trevor: Hollywood sweetie
古今豔聞:閒話「腳」 Erotic stories from past and present: Chat on "Foot"
古今豔聞:閒話「腳」 Erotic stories from past and present: Chat on "Foot"
古今豔聞:閒話「腳」 Erotic stories from past and present: Chat on "Foot"
全國首創的三和乒乓社 The first Sanhe Ping-pong Club in the country
消夏錄 Summer stories
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消夏錄 Summer stories
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消夏錄 Summer stories
[no caption]
蔻丹 Cutex
蔻丹 Cutex
蔻丹 Cutex
世界婦女 World women
女革命家徐寄塵逝世 The woman revolutionist Xu Jichen passed away
女體育家婚變服毒自殺 Sportswoman committed suicide for marriage misfortune
女體育家婚變服毒自殺 Sportswoman committed suicide for marriage misfortune
女體育家婚變服毒自殺 Sportswoman committed suicide for marriage misfortune
軟玻璃涼帽 Soft glass summer hat
德國禁人民與猶太人性交 Gemany forbid his people to have sexual intercourse with the Jew
德國禁人民與猶太人性交 Gemany forbid his people to have sexual intercourse with the Jew
廣西三江縣女子穿裙不穿褲 Women in Sanjiang County in Guangxi wear dress but not trousers
交大高材生獄中奇異發明 Brilliant invention of the student of Jiaotong University in prison
交大高材生獄中奇異發明 Brilliant invention of the student of Jiaotong University in prison
編輯者言 Editor's note
玲瓏婦女圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
定報價目 The subscription price
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
李麗女士 Ms. Li Li
陳競芳、周旋兩女 Two girls: Chen Jingfang, Zhou Xuan