Funü zazhi
No. 004 (31 March, 1916)
Pages available: 1 - 172 (172 total)
婦女雜誌第二卷第四號目錄 Table of Contents, volume 2, issue 4, Funu zazhi
婦女雜誌第二卷第四號目錄 Table of Contents, volume 2, issue 4, Funu zazhi
涵芬樓古今文鈔簡編 An abridged edition of ancient and modern articles from Containing Fragrance Chamber
晉衛茂漪書 Calligraphy by Wei Maoyi, the Jin dynasty
清張雨森秋林曳杖图 The painting of Pulling a stick in autumn forest by Zhang Yusen, the Qing dynasty
初學研究適用英語週刊 English weekly journal applicable to beginners
新譯說部叢書第三集第一次預約廣告 Advertisement for reservation of the third volume of new translated oral part series
南樓老人真蹟 The authentic work by Old Man of South Mansion
杭縣徐新華女士遺畫 Posthumous painting by Ms. Xu Xinhua from Hang country
最近製造儀器文具及印刷機器之大進步 Great progress of new made scientific instrument, stationery, and printing press
代售美國狄德拉曾公司運動用品 Sale of ? company's sports on commission
愛讀婦女雜誌者王章蕙貞小影 Picture of Wang Zhang Huizhen who likes The Ladies' Journal
吳江麗則女師範學校全體攝影 Picture of the whole Lize female normal school in Wujiang
屈臣氏大藥房臘文達綠瓶香水 Waston's pharmacy ? green-bottle perfume
優名塔牙水 Eumintol dentifrice water
農商部國貨展覽會頒給商務印書館印刷品特等獎 Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce presented a special award to printed materials by Commercial Press
西班牙國王及后親授任命書於新軍官 Emperor and empress of Spain conferred warrants to new officiers
英國兵器製造所之女工 Women workers of an arms factory in the UK
社說 Editorial
教育部審定女子中學師範教科書 Female middle school textbook approved by the Ministry of Education
蒙得梭利教育法(續) Montessori's education method (continued)
蒙得梭利教育法(續) Montessori's education method (continued)
蒙得梭利教育法(續) Montessori's education method (continued)
蒙得梭利教育法(續) Montessori's education method (continued)
蒙得梭利教育法(續) Montessori's education method (continued)
蒙得梭利教育法(續) Montessori's education method (continued)
蒙得梭利教育法(續) Montessori's education method (continued)
西神客話 Xi Shen Ke's commentaries
學蓺門 Learning skills
教育部審定實用教科書教授書同時出版 Practical textbooks and teaching reference books approved by the Ministry of Education have been published at the same time
簡易療病法(續) Simple and easy cures for diseases (continued)
簡易療病法(續) Simple and easy cures for diseases (continued)
簡易療病法(續) Simple and easy cures for diseases (continued)
簡易療病法(續) Simple and easy cures for diseases (continued)
簡易療病法(續) Simple and easy cures for diseases (continued)
簡易療病法(續) Simple and easy cures for diseases (continued)
烹飪學中饋談(續一卷第九號) On culinary arts (continucation of volume 1, issue 9)
簡易療病法(續) Simple and easy cures for diseases (continued)
烹飪學中饋談(續一卷第九號) On culinary arts (continucation of volume 1, issue 9)
烹飪學中饋談(續一卷第九號) On culinary arts (continucation of volume 1, issue 9)
烹飪學中饋談(續一卷第九號) On culinary arts (continucation of volume 1, issue 9)
烹飪學中饋談(續一卷第九號) On culinary arts (continucation of volume 1, issue 9)
烹飪學中饋談(續一卷第九號) On culinary arts (continucation of volume 1, issue 9)
動物生態觀察談 On the observation of animal ecology
動物生態觀察談 On the observation of animal ecology
動物生態觀察談 On the observation of animal ecology
動物生態觀察談 On the observation of animal ecology
動物生態觀察談 On the observation of animal ecology
動物生態觀察談 On the observation of animal ecology
動物生態觀察談 On the observation of animal ecology
動物生態觀察談 On the observation of animal ecology
動物生態觀察談 On the observation of animal ecology
動物生態觀察談 On the observation of animal ecology
動物生態觀察談 On the observation of animal ecology
家政門 Home economics
幼稚園及家庭教育唯一之歡迎品: 五彩繪畫精圖方字看圖識字 The most popular product in kindergarten and home education: multicolored drawing, delicated pictures and "square characters," to learn characters with the aid of pictures
居家房屋之構造附圖 The structure of a residential house with drawings
居家房屋之構造附圖 The structure of a residential house with drawings
居家房屋之構造附圖 The structure of a residential house with drawings
女子成人之秘訣譯日本女世界雜誌 Secrets of female adulthood, translated from Women's World magazine in Japan.
女子成人之秘訣譯日本女世界雜誌 Secrets of female adulthood, translated from Women's World magazine in Japan.
女子成人之秘訣譯日本女世界雜誌 Secrets of female adulthood, translated from Women's World magazine in Japan.
女子成人之秘訣譯日本女世界雜誌 Secrets of female adulthood, translated from Women's World magazine in Japan.
女子成人之秘訣譯日本女世界雜誌 Secrets of female adulthood, translated from Women's World magazine in Japan.
中國今日宜養成產婆論 On why midwives should be trained today in China
中國今日宜養成產婆論 On why midwives should be trained today in China
中國今日宜養成產婆論 On why midwives should be trained today in China
西神客話 Xi Shen Ke's commentaries
記述門 Records
教育部審定手工平面物標本 Samples of handmade plane objects approved by Ministry of Education
滇游記略 Yunnan Travelogue
滇游記略 Yunnan Travelogue
滇游記略 Yunnan Travelogue
滇游記略 Yunnan Travelogue
滇游記略 Yunnan Travelogue
滇游記略 Yunnan Travelogue
滇游記略 Yunnan Travelogue
滇游記略 Yunnan Travelogue
滇游記略 Yunnan Travelogue
滇游記略 Yunnan Travelogue
滇游記略 Yunnan Travelogue
滇游記略 Yunnan Travelogue
滇游記略 Yunnan Travelogue
西神客話 Xi Shen Ke's commentaries
中外大事記 Accounts of events in China and overseas
民國五年三月分新出英文雜誌第二卷第四號 Education Magazine, volume 2, issue 4, new published in March, 1916
滇警中之第三月(二月二十一日至三月二十一日) The third month of the Yunnan Affairs (from February 21 to March 21)
滇警中之第三月(二月二十一日至三月二十一日) The third month of the Yunnan Affairs (from February 21 to March 21)
滇警中之第三月(二月二十一日至三月二十一日) The third month of the Yunnan Affairs (from February 21 to March 21)
滇警中之第三月(二月二十一日至三月二十一日) The third month of the Yunnan Affairs (from February 21 to March 21)
歐西大戰之開始二月二十一日至三月二十日 The beginning of the great war in western Europe, from February 21st to March 20th
歐西大戰之開始二月二十一日至三月二十日 The beginning of the great war in western Europe, from February 21st to March 20th
歐西大戰之開始二月二十一日至三月二十日 The beginning of the great war in western Europe, from February 21st to March 20th
歐西大戰之開始二月二十一日至三月二十日 The beginning of the great war in western Europe, from February 21st to March 20th
西神客話 Xi Shen Ke's commentaries
國文範作 Model Chinese essays
辭源 The origin of words
記風雨勤斯圖 To record the painting of Working Hard in Wind and Rain
記風雨勤斯圖 To record the painting of Working Hard in Wind and Rain
記風雨勤斯圖 To record the painting of Working Hard in Wind and Rain
記風雨勤斯圖 To record the painting of Working Hard in Wind and Rain
記風雨勤斯圖 To record the painting of Working Hard in Wind and Rain
記風雨勤斯圖 To record the painting of Working Hard in Wind and Rain
記風雨勤斯圖 To record the painting of Working Hard in Wind and Rain
嘉利樂別傳(譯James Baldwin所著泰西三十軼事之一) Biography of Galileo (translated from Thirty More Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin)
嘉利樂別傳(譯James Baldwin所著泰西三十軼事之一) Biography of Galileo (translated from Thirty More Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin)
嘉利樂別傳(譯James Baldwin所著泰西三十軼事之一) Biography of Galileo (translated from Thirty More Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin)
嘉利樂別傳(譯James Baldwin所著泰西三十軼事之一) Biography of Galileo (translated from Thirty More Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin)
嘉利樂別傳(英譯漢) Biography of Galileo (translated from English to Chinese)
嘉利樂別傳(英譯漢) Biography of Galileo (translated from English to Chinese)
闢七夕乞巧之謬 Refuting miconceptions of the Double Seventh Festival
闢七夕乞巧之謬 Refuting miconceptions of the Double Seventh Festival
菊薏辨 The difference between chrysanthemum and job's tears
菊薏辨 The difference between chrysanthemum and job's tears
試以意匠造理想之書室 Designing an ideal study
試以意匠造理想之書室 Designing an ideal study
試以意匠造理想之書室 Designing an ideal study
申婦從女帚之義 To state the reason why the character "fu" is composed of "nu" and "zhou"
申婦從女帚之義 To state the reason why the character "fu" is composed of "nu" and "zhou"
申婦從女帚之義 To state the reason why the character "fu" is composed of "nu" and "zhou"
文苑 Literary garden
新編學生字典 New edited student's dictionary
節孝金母袁太君墓志銘 Epitaph for chaste and filial mother Madame Yuan-Jin
節孝金母袁太君墓志銘 Epitaph for chaste and filial mother Madame Yuan-Jin
節孝金母袁太君墓志銘 Epitaph for chaste and filial mother Madame Yuan-Jin
先妣節孝袁太君行實 Biography of my late mother, the chaste and filial Madame Yuan
先妣節孝袁太君行實 Biography of my late mother, the chaste and filial Madame Yuan
先妣節孝袁太君行實 Biography of my late mother, the chaste and filial Madame Yuan
先妣節孝袁太君行實 Biography of my late mother, the chaste and filial Madame Yuan
先妣節孝袁太君行實 Biography of my late mother, the chaste and filial Madame Yuan
先妣節孝袁太君行實 Biography of my late mother, the chaste and filial Madame Yuan
詩選 A selected poem
小說 Fiction
小說月報七卷第三號出版廣告 Publication advertisement of Fiction Monthly Magazine, volume 7, issue 3
季明烈女傳略 A brief biography of chaste women from Jiming
季明烈女傳略 A brief biography of chaste women from Jiming
季明烈女傳略 A brief biography of chaste women from Jiming
季明烈女傳略 A brief biography of chaste women from Jiming
季明烈女傳略 A brief biography of chaste women from Jiming
季明烈女傳略 A brief biography of chaste women from Jiming
慕凡女兒傳(續) The biography of Miss Mufan (continued)
慕凡女兒傳(續) The biography of Miss Mufan (continued)
慕凡女兒傳(續) The biography of Miss Mufan (continued)
慕凡女兒傳(續) The biography of Miss Mufan (continued)
慕凡女兒傳(續) The biography of Miss Mufan (continued)
慕凡女兒傳(續) The biography of Miss Mufan (continued)
慕凡女兒傳(續) The biography of Miss Mufan (continued)
慕凡女兒傳(續) The biography of Miss Mufan (continued)
慕凡女兒傳(續) The biography of Miss Mufan (continued)
慕凡女兒傳(續) The biography of Miss Mufan (continued)
霜整冰清錄彈詞 The record of serious frost and clear ice (tan ci)
霜整冰清錄彈詞 The record of serious frost and clear ice (tan ci)
霜整冰清錄彈詞 The record of serious frost and clear ice (tan ci)
雜俎 Miscellaneous collection
蠶業學校最適用之書製絲教科書 The most applicable book for silk industry school
自製蠶學用器(名目繁多)(擇要刊登) Selfmade sericology utensils (a multitude of names) (only publish important ones)
秋鐙瑣憶(續) Trivial memories beside an autumn lamp (continued)
秋鐙瑣憶(續) Trivial memories beside an autumn lamp (continued)
秋鐙瑣憶(續) Trivial memories beside an autumn lamp (continued)
秋鐙瑣憶(續) Trivial memories beside an autumn lamp (continued)
秋鐙瑣憶(續) Trivial memories beside an autumn lamp (continued)
秋鐙瑣憶(續) Trivial memories beside an autumn lamp (continued)
秋鐙瑣憶(續) Trivial memories beside an autumn lamp (continued)
秋鐙瑣憶(續) Trivial memories beside an autumn lamp (continued)
通信 Letters
中外輿圖局五彩精印地圖童世亨先生著 Delicately printed multicoloured maps published by Chinese and Foreign Map Office, authored by Mr. Tong Shiheng
通信 Letters
節錄施淑儀女士來書 An excerpt of the letter from Ms. Shi Shuyi
節錄施淑儀女士來書 An excerpt of the letter from Ms. Shi Shuyi
節錄復施淑儀女士書 An excerpt of the response to the letter from Ms. Shi Shuyi
節錄復施淑儀女士書 An excerpt of the response to the letter from Ms. Shi Shuyi
節錄復施淑儀女士書 An excerpt of the response to the letter from Ms. Shi Shuyi
餘興 餘興
警世新劇童子鍼砭(續) New drama to admonish the world: A child's criticism (continued)
警世新劇童子鍼砭(續) New drama to admonish the world: A child's criticism (continued)
警世新劇童子鍼砭(續) New drama to admonish the world: A child's criticism (continued)
警世新劇童子鍼砭(續) New drama to admonish the world: A child's criticism (continued)
警世新劇童子鍼砭(續) New drama to admonish the world: A child's criticism (continued)
家常瑣談釋義(續) Explaining common idioms (continued)
家常瑣談釋義(續) Explaining common idioms (continued)
家常瑣談釋義(續) Explaining common idioms (continued)
家常瑣談釋義(續) Explaining common idioms (continued)
家常瑣談釋義(續) Explaining common idioms (continued)
第四期謎畫 The fourth picture riddles contest
教育雜誌三月分出版 Education Magazine published in March
少年雜誌 Youth Magazine
學生雜誌三月分出版 Student Magazine published in March
請看東方雜誌十三卷大革新 Please look at the big innovation of Orient Magazine, volume 12
诸君入函授學社英文科欲得課程完備學費輕廉者即請取本社簡章一閱 If anyone who registers for English course in correspondence school wants to take complete courses with low tuition fees, please take a look at our society's general regulations
教育部完全審定商務印書館(國民學校)共和國教科書 Textbooks of the Republic (national school) printed by the Commercial Press completely approved by the Ministry of Educationi
教育部完全審定商務印書館(高等小學)共和國教科書 Textbooks of the Republic (higher primary school) printed by the Commercial Press completely approved by the Ministry of Educationi
教育部完全審定中學校師範學校用民國新教科書 New textbooks of the Republic used by middle schools and normal schools completely approved by the Ministry of Educationi
歐戰寫真畫第一集出版定價四角 Pictures of European War, volume 1, has been published, forty cents
五彩精印中外地圖 Delicately printed multicoloured maps of China and foreign countries