Funü zazhi
No. 009 (31 August, 1917)
Pages available: 1 - 174 (174 total)
婦女雜誌第三卷第九號 Ladies' Journal volume 3, issue nine
新體師範講義 New style teacher training materials
名人書畫扇 Famous people's calligraphy and painting on fans
社說 Editorial [title page]
四大特價 Four books on sale
林琴南先生譯 言情小說 Romantic fiction translated by Mr. Lin Qinnan
學藝門 Learning and skills [title page]
說部叢書第三集 The third volume of collected books
愛與日光之使者 Messanger of love and daylight
愛與日光之使者 Messanger of love and daylight
愛與日光之使者 Messanger of love and daylight
中國水仙 Narcissus
愛與日光之使者 Messanger of love and daylight
愛與日光之使者 Messanger of love and daylight
愛與日光之使者 Messanger of love and daylight
愛與日光之使者 Messanger of love and daylight
家庭藥物學(續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
家庭藥物學(續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
家庭藥物學(續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
家庭藥物學(續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
果樹栽培法(續) Methods of cultivating fruit trees
果樹栽培法(續) Methods of cultivating fruit trees
果樹栽培法(續) Methods of cultivating fruit trees
果樹栽培法(續) Methods of cultivating fruit trees
果樹栽培法(續) Methods of cultivating fruit trees
果樹栽培法(續) Methods of cultivating fruit trees
烹飪學中饋談(續) On gastrology (continued)
烹飪學中饋談(續) On gastrology (continued)
烹飪學中饋談(續) On gastrology (continued)
日本女界肺病之新研究譯日本婦人世界 New research in Japan on women's pulmonary disease translation from Japan's woman's world
日本女界肺病之新研究譯日本婦人世界 New research in Japan on women's pulmonary disease translation from Japan's woman's world
日本女界肺病之新研究譯日本婦人世界 New research in Japan on women's pulmonary disease translation from Japan's woman's world
日本女界肺病之新研究譯日本婦人世界 New research in Japan on women's pulmonary disease translation from Japan's woman's world
日本女界肺病之新研究譯日本婦人世界 New research in Japan on women's pulmonary disease translation from Japan's woman's world
日本女界肺病之新研究譯日本婦人世界 New research in Japan on women's pulmonary disease translation from Japan's woman's world
植物奇譚 Rare plants
植物奇譚 Rare plants
植物奇譚 Rare plants
植物奇譚 Rare plants
植物奇譚 Rare plants
植物奇譚 Rare plants
廣說笑 Spreading laughter
廣說笑 Spreading laughter
美的淋浴法 節譯日本化妝法 American methods of showering Translation from Japanese Beauty methods magazine
美的淋浴法 節譯日本化妝法 American methods of showering Translation from Japanese Beauty methods magazine
美的淋浴法 節譯日本化妝法 American methods of showering Translation from Japanese Beauty methods magazine
芭蕉果之滋養的價值 The nutritional value of bananas
芭蕉果之滋養的價值 The nutritional value of bananas
no caption--babies in a hospital
先期產生嬰兒之養育法 Prematurly born babies, methods for caring for them
no caption--baby getting medicine
先期產生嬰兒之養育法 Prematurly born babies, methods for caring for them
先期產生嬰兒之養育法 Prematurly born babies, methods for caring for them
西瓜與黃疸 Watermelon and jaundice
家政門 Home economics [title page]
歐美原版英文婦女用書 Books for ladies, original publications from Europe and America in English
育兒問答(續) Parenting questions and answers (continued)
育兒問答(續) Parenting questions and answers (continued)
育兒問答(續) Parenting questions and answers (continued)
育兒問答(續) Parenting questions and answers (continued)
少年夫婦破產之危險 譯美國母範雜誌 The danger of young married couples going bankrupt Translated from American model mother magazine
少年夫婦破產之危險 譯美國母範雜誌 The danger of young married couples going bankrupt Translated from American model mother magazine
少年夫婦破產之危險 譯美國母範雜誌 The danger of young married couples going bankrupt Translated from American model mother magazine
少年夫婦破產之危險 譯美國母範雜誌 The danger of young married couples going bankrupt Translated from American model mother magazine
少年夫婦破產之危險 譯美國母範雜誌 The danger of young married couples going bankrupt Translated from American model mother magazine
母教叢談(續) Collection of mother's teachings (continued)
母教叢談(續) Collection of mother's teachings (continued)
母教叢談(續) Collection of mother's teachings (continued)
歐風書齋之裝飾 European style study decoration
no cation
歐風書齋之裝飾 European style study decoration
記述門 Records [title page]
通俗教育圖書 Popular education books
西藏女子之自述 Tibetan women's selections
西藏女子之自述 Tibetan women's selections
西藏女子之自述 Tibetan women's selections
西藏女子之自述 Tibetan women's selections
西藏女子之自述 Tibetan women's selections
泰西列女傳 Biographies of famous women from the West
泰西列女傳 Biographies of famous women from the West
泰西列女傳 Biographies of famous women from the West
泰西列女傳 Biographies of famous women from the West
泰西列女傳 Biographies of famous women from the West
泰西列女傳 Biographies of famous women from the West
泰西列女傳 Biographies of famous women from the West
泰西列女傳 Biographies of famous women from the West
泰西列女傳 Biographies of famous women from the West
泰西列女傳 Biographies of famous women from the West
世界各國婦人夏季之生活 譯婦人世界 Women's summertime lifestyles from around the world, translated from Women's world (magazine)
世界各國婦人夏季之生活 譯婦人世界 Women's summertime lifestyles from around the world, translated from Women's world (magazine)
世界各國婦人夏季之生活 譯婦人世界 Women's summertime lifestyles from around the world, translated from Women's world (magazine)
世界各國婦人夏季之生活 譯婦人世界 Women's summertime lifestyles from around the world, translated from Women's world (magazine)
世界各國婦人夏季之生活 譯婦人世界 Women's summertime lifestyles from around the world, translated from Women's world (magazine)
世界各國婦人夏季之生活 譯婦人世界 Women's summertime lifestyles from around the world, translated from Women's world (magazine)
奉天錦縣三節婦事略 Biographical sketch of three widows from Mukden Jin county
奉天錦縣三節婦事略 Biographical sketch of three widows from Mukden Jin county
文苑 Literary garden [title page]
今日維護共和當注重共和教育採用共和國教科書 Republican textbooks adopted [by the Ministry of Education] to maintain the Republic
鉛山蔣氏一家集 A collection of one family from Qianshan
鉛山蔣氏一家集 A collection of one family from Qianshan
鉛山蔣氏一家集 A collection of one family from Qianshan
鉛山蔣氏一家集 A collection of one family from Qianshan
小說 Fiction [title page]
學校應用西書大廉價 , 請讀英文小說 Western books at special prices for use at schools, Please read these English novels
盲婦(續) A blind woman (continued)
盲婦(續) A blind woman (continued)
盲婦(續) A blind woman (continued)
盲婦(續) A blind woman (continued)
no caption--interior scene
盲婦(續) A blind woman (continued)
盲婦(續) A blind woman (continued)
盲婦(續) A blind woman (continued)
盲婦(續) A blind woman (continued)
鳳英慘史(續) The tragic history of Fengying (continued)
鳳英慘史(續) The tragic history of Fengying (continued)
鳳英慘史(續) The tragic history of Fengying (continued)
no caption--interior scene
鳳英慘史(續) The tragic history of Fengying (continued)
鳳英慘史(續) The tragic history of Fengying (continued)
鳳英慘史(續) The tragic history of Fengying (continued)
鳳英慘史(續) The tragic history of Fengying (continued)
家庭彈詞雙俠殲仇記(續) Family storytelling: Records of the deadly duel of Qiu
家庭彈詞雙俠殲仇記(續) Family storytelling: Records of the deadly duel of Qiu
家庭彈詞雙俠殲仇記(續) Family storytelling: Records of the deadly duel of Qiu
家庭彈詞雙俠殲仇記(續) Family storytelling: Records of the deadly duel of Qiu
no caption--three figures
家庭彈詞雙俠殲仇記(續) Family storytelling: Records of the deadly duel of Qiu
家庭彈詞雙俠殲仇記(續) Family storytelling: Records of the deadly duel of Qiu
家庭彈詞雙俠殲仇記(續) Family storytelling: Records of the deadly duel of Qiu
家庭彈詞雙俠殲仇記(續) Family storytelling: Records of the deadly duel of Qiu
家庭彈詞雙俠殲仇記(續) Family storytelling: Records of the deadly duel of Qiu
no caption--three figures outside
家庭彈詞雙俠殲仇記(續) Family storytelling: Records of the deadly duel of Qiu
家庭彈詞雙俠殲仇記(續) Family storytelling: Records of the deadly duel of Qiu
國文範作 Exemplary essays [title page]
函授學社英文選科 Selected English correspondence courses
本校規制校園記 Record of this school's campus regulations
本校規制校園記 Record of this school's campus regulations
本校規制校園記 Record of this school's campus regulations
雜俎 Entertainment [title page]
英語週刊 English monthly
閨秀詩話(續) Poetry by ladies (continued)
閨秀詩話(續) Poetry by ladies (continued)
閨秀詩話(續) Poetry by ladies (continued)
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
玉臺藝乘(續) Arts of the jade terrace (continued)
餘興 Entertainment [title page]
八月份各種襍誌出版 Various magazines published in August
第六圖 Paper lantern pattern
paper pattern
第十一圖 Figure eleven
第二十圖 Figure twelve
家庭俱樂部 Family club
no caption-- interior scene with bird cage
家庭俱樂部 Family club
(一)童話 啄木鳥(附圖一) (one) Children's fairytale (woodpecker) with image
(一)童話 啄木鳥(附圖一) (one) Children's fairytale (woodpecker) with image
(二)童話 犬與狼(附圖一) (two) Children's fairytale Dog and the wolf (with an image)
(二)童話 犬與狼(附圖一) (two) Children's fairytale Dog and the wolf (with an image)
(二)童話 犬與狼(附圖一) (two) Children's fairytale Dog and the wolf (with an image)
no caption-- dogs outside
(二)童話 犬與狼(附圖一) (two) Children's fairytale Dog and the wolf (with an image)
(二)童話 犬與狼(附圖一) (two) Children's fairytale Dog and the wolf (with an image)
歐洲戰事畫報 European War Illustrated newspaper
European War Illustrated newspaper
European War Illustrated newspaper
European War Illustrated newspaper
各種教材 Assorted educational materials
兒童玩具 Toys for children
漢釋英文雜記, 英文造句教科書, 自修英文讀本, 英語週刊彙編