Funü zazhi
No. 001 (31 December, 1917)
Pages available: 1 - 162 (162 total)
婦女雜誌第四卷第一號 The Ladies Journal volume four, issue one
三色版精印新安吳淑娟女士畫薰風一曲圖 Tri-color version of a print of Mrs. Wu Shujuan's painting of Xunfeng [playing] melody
無錫華璂女士畫 秋江飄影 Painting by Mrs. Hua Qi from Wuxi, Picture, Floating on river in fall
商務印書館 Commerical Press
實用學生字典 Practical student dictionary
華盛頓之母 少年時攝影 Woman from Washington [D.C.?] as a young woman (teenager)
愛讀婦女雜誌者瞿蘊玉女士小影 Photograph of a Ladies' Journal reader Mrs. Qu Yunyu
社說 Editorial [title page]
敬告實施女子職業教育者 Respectfully informing on the implementation of women's vocational educators
敬告實施女子職業教育者 Respectfully informing on the implementation of women's vocational educators
敬告實施女子職業教育者 Respectfully informing on the implementation of women's vocational educators
家庭快樂論 Discussion on household happiness
家庭快樂論 Discussion on household happiness
學藝 Learning and skills [title page]
家庭科學 秤 Household science Scales
家庭科學 秤 Household science Scales
家庭科學 秤 Household science Scales
家庭科學 秤 Household science Scales
家庭科學 肥皂 Household science: soap
家庭科學 肥皂 Household science: soap
養蜂談 Talking about beekeeping
no caption-- bee keepers
養蜂談 Talking about beekeeping
no caption--bee keeping
養蜂談 Talking about beekeeping
no caption related to bee keeping
no caption related to bee keeping
養蜂談 Talking about beekeeping
no caption-- related to bee keeping
養蜂談 Talking about beekeeping
說檢尿 譯婦女世界 Discussing checking of urine translated from Women's world magazine
癯庵食譜 Recipes from the Lean Hut
癯庵食譜 Recipes from the Lean Hut
癯庵食譜 Recipes from the Lean Hut
癯庵食譜 Recipes from the Lean Hut
家庭藥物學 (續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
家庭藥物學 (續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
家庭藥物學 (續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
家庭藥物學 (續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
婦女十五分鐘之體操 15 minute workout for women
婦女十五分鐘之體操 15 minute workout for women
婦女十五分鐘之體操 15 minute workout for women
婦女十五分鐘之體操 15 minute workout for women
甲圖 第一級立正及吸氣 Figure one, first stage Stand at attention and inhale and exhale
婦女十五分鐘之體操 15 minute workout for women
乙圖 第一級 Figure two first level
丙圖第二級 Third picture, second step
丁圖第二級 Fourth picture: second level
婦女十五分鐘之體操 15 minute workout for women
戊圖第三級 Fifth picture third level
己圖第三級 Sixth figure third level
家政 Home economics
商務印書館女學用書 Commerical Press Books for women's study
家庭日記與家訓 Household diary and family instructions (precepts)
家庭日記與家訓 Household diary and family instructions (precepts)
家庭日記與家訓 Household diary and family instructions (precepts)
家庭日記與家訓 Household diary and family instructions (precepts)
家庭日記與家訓 Household diary and family instructions (precepts)
新胎教 節譯胎內教育 New prenatal education Translated from Womb Education
觀察兒童之個性法 Methods of observing a child's personality
觀察兒童之個性法 Methods of observing a child's personality
觀察兒童之個性法 Methods of observing a child's personality
觀察兒童之個性法 Methods of observing a child's personality
婦人安眠之研究 Research on women's sleep
婦人安眠之研究 Research on women's sleep
婦人安眠之研究 Research on women's sleep
家庭看護學 The study of home nursing
家庭看護學 The study of home nursing
家庭看護學 The study of home nursing
家庭看護學 The study of home nursing
家庭看護學 The study of home nursing
家庭看護學 The study of home nursing
不良少年者母親之罪 Mothers are to be blamed for delinquent youths
不良少年者母親之罪 Mothers are to be blamed for delinquent youths
不良少年者母親之罪 Mothers are to be blamed for delinquent youths
不良少年者母親之罪 Mothers are to be blamed for delinquent youths
治家之經驗談 Discussion of the experience of managing a household
治家之經驗談 Discussion of the experience of managing a household
治家之經驗談 Discussion of the experience of managing a household
治家之經驗談 Discussion of the experience of managing a household
紀述 Records [title page]
歐戰與各交戰國婦人之真相 The truth of WWI and the belligerent countries' women
歐戰與各交戰國婦人之真相 The truth of WWI and the belligerent countries' women
歐戰與各交戰國婦人之真相 The truth of WWI and the belligerent countries' women
歐戰與各交戰國婦人之真相 The truth of WWI and the belligerent countries' women
土耳其閨乘 Turkey's women's chambers (harem) increasing
土耳其閨乘 Turkey's women's chambers (harem) increasing
俄國未來之婦女 Russia's future of women
俄國未來之婦女 Russia's future of women
送貞女關靜之歸鄂宋氏廟見辭 Saying farewell to chaste woman Guan Jingzhi who is returning to E (Hubei) at the ancestral temple of the Song clan
送貞女關靜之歸鄂宋氏廟見辭 Saying farewell to chaste woman Guan Jingzhi who is returning to E (Hubei) at the ancestral temple of the Song clan
結婚滿四十年紀念詩 Contentedly married for 40 years, commemorative poems
結婚滿四十年紀念詩 Contentedly married for 40 years, commemorative poems
結婚滿四十年紀念詩 Contentedly married for 40 years, commemorative poems
小說 Fiction [title page]
短篇科學 中國之女飛行家 Science novelette: Chinese female aviator
短篇科學 中國之女飛行家 Science novelette: Chinese female aviator
短篇科學 中國之女飛行家 Science novelette: Chinese female aviator
短篇科學 中國之女飛行家 Science novelette: Chinese female aviator
短篇科學 中國之女飛行家 Science novelette: Chinese female aviator
no caption-- woman flying
短篇科學 中國之女飛行家 Science novelette: Chinese female aviator
短篇科學 中國之女飛行家 Science novelette: Chinese female aviator
短篇科學 中國之女飛行家 Science novelette: Chinese female aviator
短篇科學 中國之女飛行家 Science novelette: Chinese female aviator
短篇科學 中國之女飛行家 Science novelette: Chinese female aviator
短篇科學 中國之女飛行家 Science novelette: Chinese female aviator
短篇科學 中國之女飛行家 Science novelette: Chinese female aviator
no caption-- woman looking out to sea
短篇科學 中國之女飛行家 Science novelette: Chinese female aviator
短篇科學 中國之女飛行家 Science novelette: Chinese female aviator
軍人之妻 A soldier's wife
軍人之妻 A soldier's wife
軍人之妻 A soldier's wife
軍人之妻 A soldier's wife
我是蒼蠅 I am a fly
蠅之口器 Mouthparts of a fly
蠅之放大形 Enlarged body of a fly
我是蒼蠅 I am a fly
我是蒼蠅 I am a fly
我是蒼蠅 I am a fly
我是蒼蠅 I am a fly
我是蒼蠅 I am a fly
黑珠案 [The] Case [of the] black pearl
黑珠案 [The] Case [of the] black pearl
黑珠案 [The] Case [of the] black pearl
黑珠案 [The] Case [of the] black pearl
胡四娘:事見蒲留仙聊齋誌異 Four Hu women
胡四娘:事見蒲留仙聊齋誌異 Four Hu women
胡四娘:事見蒲留仙聊齋誌異 Four Hu women
胡四娘:事見蒲留仙聊齋誌異 Four Hu women
胡四娘:事見蒲留仙聊齋誌異 Four Hu women
胡四娘:事見蒲留仙聊齋誌異 Four Hu women
胡四娘 Four Hu women
胡四娘:事見蒲留仙聊齋誌異 Four Hu women
美國地鐵道之女警察 American subway police woman
同心梔子彈詞 Concentric verse gardenia
同心梔子彈詞 Concentric verse gardenia
同心梔子彈詞 Concentric verse gardenia
同心梔子彈詞 Concentric verse gardenia
同心梔子彈詞 Concentric verse gardenia
no caption-- woman at a desk
同心梔子彈詞 Concentric verse gardenia
同心梔子彈詞 Concentric verse gardenia
同心梔子彈詞 Concentric verse gardenia
國文範作 Exemplary essays [title page]
弔五人墓文 Lamenting five people's tombs
秋燈勵學圖記 Record of Fall light encouraging study
燕太子丹遣荊軻入秦論 Discussion of Yan Taizi Dan dispatches to Jing Ke [of] Qin
秋燈勵學圖記 Record of Fall light encouraging study
擬本校學生自治會徵集會員啟 Draft of school's students' autonomy membership collection began
擬本校學生自治會徵集會員啟 Draft of school's students' autonomy membership collection began
卜式輸財助邊論 Discussion of
木蘭代父從軍論 A discussion of Mulan joins the army in place of her father
益友損友解 Separating good friends [from] bad friends
中外大事記 Accounts of events in China and overseas
商務印書館 Commercial Press
俄軍使至德營提議休戰 Russian army in order to make a truse proposal to German battalion
美大總統之教書 Teachings of the American president
俄軍使至德營提議休戰 Russian army in order to make a truse proposal to German battalion
倫敦歡迎中國參戰大會記 Record of London welcomes the Chinese war council
倫敦歡迎中國參戰大會記 Record of London welcomes the Chinese war council
修改國會組織選舉法近聞 Recent news in the modification of the national congress electoral laws
修改國會組織選舉法近聞 Recent news in the modification of the national congress electoral laws
哈爾濱俄人動亂記 Record of Russian unrest in Harbin
餘興 Entertainment
四卷一號婦女雜誌之懸賞 Volume four issue one of the Ladies' Journal reward [for answering riddles]
興寧竹枝詞 Verses from Xing Ning bamboo
興寧竹枝詞 Verses from Xing Ning bamboo
家庭新智識 Family new intellectual
家庭新智識 Family new intellectual
新游戲術 New game techniques
新游戲術 New game techniques
童話 鴿群脫網記 Children's story: Pigeons escaping the net
童話 鴿群脫網記 Children's story: Pigeons escaping the net
no caption--pigeons in a net
軍國民教育之七巧板 Tangram for National army education
七巧板 Tangram
軍國民教育之七巧板 Tangram for National army education
七巧板 Tangram
軍國民教育之七巧板 Tangram for National army education
七巧板 Tangram
軍國民教育之七巧板 Tangram for National army education
七巧板 Tangram
商務印書館發行 Commerical Press