Funü zazhi
No. 001 (31 December, 1918)
Pages available: 1 - 178 (178 total)
餘興 Entertainment
婦女雜誌第五卷第一號 Ladies' Journal volume 5, issue one
小說月報 Short Story Magazine
商務印書館精印 屏 聯 堂 幅 Commercial Press Fine printed scrolls
商務印書館精印 屏 聯 堂 幅 Commercial Press Fine printed hang scrolls and couplets
日用百科全書 Daily encyclopedia
民國八年春季開學轉瞬即屆學界公鉴 Republican era spring semester will start in a blink of an eye, record of public education
英漢合璧 小說業刊 A harmonious match English-Chinese Fiction industry publication
泰西名畫農家春趣 Western famous painting: Peasant family welcomes spring
愛讀婦女雜誌者蛟川劉溈瀾女士及其寄女浙江女師範學生黃娮 女士合影 A group photo of Mrs. Liu Weilan from Jiaochuan and [her] foster daughter a student Huang Yan from Zhejiang Women's Normal ladies who love to read this journal
民國八年春季最適用之英文書 The most suitable English book for the spring of the eighth year of Republican Era
民國八年春季最適用之英文書 The most suitable English book for the spring of the eighth year of Republican Era
社說 Editorial
社說 Editorial
民國八年春季最適用之英文書 The most suitable English book for the spring of the eighth year of Republican Era
係婦女所最難堪之疾苦 Relating to the most embarrassing difficulties for women
家中有患病小孩否 Do you have an ill child at home?
普及女子蠶業教育之意見 Opinion on popularizing women's serioculture education
普及女子蠶業教育之意見 Opinion on popularizing women's serioculture education
普及女子蠶業教育之意見 Opinion on popularizing women's serioculture education
普及女子蠶業教育之意見 Opinion on popularizing women's serioculture education
普及女子蠶業教育之意見 Opinion on popularizing women's serioculture education
普及女子蠶業教育之意見 Opinion on popularizing women's serioculture education
普及女子蠶業教育之意見 Opinion on popularizing women's serioculture education
普及女子蠶業教育之意見 Opinion on popularizing women's serioculture education
吾國大學男女尚不宜同校商兌之駁議(續四卷十二號) Refutation [that in] China co-ed education is still inadvisable to consider (continued from vol. 4 issue 12)
吾國大學男女尚不宜同校商兌之駁議(續四卷十二號) Refutation [that in] China co-ed education is still inadvisable to consider (continued from vol. 4 issue 12)
吾國大學男女尚不宜同校商兌之駁議(續四卷十二號) Refutation [that in] China co-ed education is still inadvisable to consider (continued from vol. 4 issue 12)
吾國大學男女尚不宜同校商兌之駁議(續四卷十二號) Refutation [that in] China co-ed education is still inadvisable to consider (continued from vol. 4 issue 12)
吾國大學男女尚不宜同校商兌之駁議(續四卷十二號) Refutation [that in] China co-ed education is still inadvisable to consider (continued from vol. 4 issue 12)
吾國大學男女尚不宜同校商兌之駁議(續四卷十二號) Refutation [that in] China co-ed education is still inadvisable to consider (continued from vol. 4 issue 12)
吾國大學男女尚不宜同校商兌之駁議(續四卷十二號) Refutation [that in] China co-ed education is still inadvisable to consider (continued from vol. 4 issue 12)
商務印書館附設函授學社英文科 Commercial Press associated correspondance school English study society
New Shipment of Medical Books
趣味科學冰與雪 Fun science: Ice and snow
趣味科學冰與雪 Fun science: Ice and snow
趣味科學冰與雪 Fun science: Ice and snow
趣味科學冰與雪 Fun science: Ice and snow
家庭實用烹調秘術 Practical household: Cooking secrets
家庭實用烹調秘術 Practical household: Cooking secrets
家庭實用烹調秘術 Practical household: Cooking secrets
家庭實用烹調秘術 Practical household: Cooking secrets
口吃之矯正法 Methods of correting a stammer
口吃之矯正法 Methods of correting a stammer
家庭工業 Cottage industry
家庭工業 Cottage industry
家庭養雞學 Science of raising chickens at home
家庭養雞學 Science of raising chickens at home
家庭養雞學 Science of raising chickens at home
家庭養雞學 Science of raising chickens at home
家庭養雞學 Science of raising chickens at home
家庭養雞學 Science of raising chickens at home
傷風與咳嗽療治法 Methods of treating colds and coughs
傷風與咳嗽療治法 Methods of treating colds and coughs
傷風與咳嗽療治法 Methods of treating colds and coughs
傷風與咳嗽療治法 Methods of treating colds and coughs
傷風與咳嗽療治法 Methods of treating colds and coughs
上海商務印書館發行 Commerical Press
傷風與咳嗽療治法 Methods of treating colds and coughs
養兔談 譯日本婦女界 Chats on raising animals Translated from Japanese Women's World [magazine]
養兔談 譯日本婦女界 Chats on raising animals Translated from Japanese Women's World [magazine]
巢兔箱 Rabbit hutch
養兔談 譯日本婦女界 Chats on raising animals Translated from Japanese Women's World [magazine]
養兔談 譯日本婦女界 Chats on raising animals Translated from Japanese Women's World [magazine]
實用科學衛生衣 Applied science: hygienic clothing
?康李氏之家庭 The family of
實用科學衛生衣 Applied science: hygienic clothing
珂羅版朱子註論稿語墨蹟 High quality Collotype (of) Zhu Zi's famous calligraphy annotations of the Analects
家政 Home economics
美國工商發達史 History of American industry and commerce
婚禮 Wedding
婚禮 Wedding
婚禮 Wedding
婚禮 Wedding
我之僕婢問題觀譯Rogal Magazine My point of view on the topic of handmaidens
我之僕婢問題觀譯Rogal Magazine My point of view on the topic of handmaidens
庖廚空氣之注意 Pay attention to the air in the kitchen
庖廚空氣之注意 Pay attention to the air in the kitchen
妊娠尿診斷法 Methods of diagnosing pregnacy through urine
妊娠尿診斷法 Methods of diagnosing pregnacy through urine
美國對於兒童之保護 American approach to child protection
美國對於兒童之保護 American approach to child protection
美國對於兒童之保護 American approach to child protection
燃料之代用品與節省法 Methods for subsituting and saving fuel
治家四要 The four most imporant things for homemaker's
治家四要 The four most imporant things for homemaker's
治家四要 The four most imporant things for homemaker's
治家四要 The four most imporant things for homemaker's
記述門 Records
記述門 Records
游京一月記 A report of a month trip to the capital
游京一月記 A report of a month trip to the capital
游京一月記 A report of a month trip to the capital
游京一月記 A report of a month trip to the capital
游京一月記 A report of a month trip to the capital
游京一月記 A report of a month trip to the capital
游京一月記 A report of a month trip to the capital
游京一月記 A report of a month trip to the capital
美國婦人戰時之節儉譯婦人世界 Wartime American women's frugality Translation from Women's world
美國婦人戰時之節儉譯婦人世界 Wartime American women's frugality Translation from Women's world
美國婦人戰時之節儉譯婦人世界 Wartime American women's frugality Translation from Women's world
我之日本婦人觀 My point of view on Japanese housewives
美國婦人戰時之節儉譯婦人世界 Wartime American women's frugality Translation from Women's world
我之日本婦人觀 My point of view on Japanese housewives
我之日本婦人觀 My point of view on Japanese housewives
任室史夫人誄有序 Mrs. Ren Shishi euology (successive)
任室史夫人誄有序 Mrs. Ren Shishi euology (successive)
蔡松坡母王太夫人六十壽詞 60th birthday wishes for Mrs. Cai Songpo
蔡松坡母王太夫人六十壽詞 60th birthday wishes for Mrs. Cai Songpo
陳琬貞烈女輓詩 Poems by virtuous woman Chen Wanzhen
no caption
金屋(附圖一) Golden house (with an image)
no caption
金屋(附圖一) Golden house (with an image)
金屋(附圖一) Golden house (with an image)
金屋(附圖一) Golden house (with an image)
亞梨(附圖一) Asian pear (with an image)
亞梨(附圖一) Asian pear (with an image)
亞梨(附圖一) Asian pear (with an image)
亞梨(附圖一) Asian pear (with an image)
亞梨(附圖一) Asian pear (with an image)
亞梨(附圖一) Asian pear (with an image)
亞梨(附圖一) Asian pear (with an image)
亞梨(附圖一) Asian pear (with an image)
no caption
北京 Beijing
no caption
新見聞隨筆(附圖八) Notes on new knowledge (with eight images)
新見聞隨筆(附圖八) Notes on new knowledge (with eight images)
新見聞隨筆(附圖八) Notes on new knowledge (with eight images)
no caption -- front of a letter
no caption
新見聞隨筆(附圖八) Notes on new knowledge (with eight images)
no caption--woman with a washing machine
no caption--telelphone?
no caption--learning the piano
新見聞隨筆(附圖八) Notes on new knowledge (with eight images)
no caption--electric camera
新見聞隨筆(附圖八) Notes on new knowledge (with eight images)
新見聞隨筆(附圖八) Notes on new knowledge (with eight images)
家常談話(附圖四) Daily family chats
犬甲衣 Dog armor
一人甲衣 Armor for one person
家常談話(附圖四) Daily family chats
家常談話(附圖四) Daily family chats
家常談話(附圖四) Daily family chats
家庭手工游戲(附圖五) (一)紙馬奔騰(二)甕中之狐 Home made games for the household (with five images) (one) paper galloping horse (two) fox in a wine container
家庭手工游戲(附圖五) (一)紙馬奔騰(二)甕中之狐 Home made games for the household (with five images) (one) paper galloping horse (two) fox in a wine container
家庭手工游戲(附圖五) (一)紙馬奔騰(二)甕中之狐 Home made games for the household (with five images) (one) paper galloping horse (two) fox in a wine container
童話土耳其法官(附圖一) Fairytales Turkish judge (with one image)
no caption-- Turkish judge
童話土耳其法官(附圖一) Fairytales Turkish judge (with one image)
no caption
no caption
no caption--cherubs
no caption--riddle illustration
徵集聯語略例 Call for examples of linked-verses/ some examples
上海商務書館發行 Commerical press
上海商務印書館發行 Publications by the Commerical Press
泰西名画 愛國兩兒子 A famous Eruopean painting Two patriotic children
北京頤和園之石船 The stone boat at the Summer Palace in Beijing