Funü zazhi
No. 009 (31 August, 1919)
Pages available: 1 - 153 (153 total)
婦女雜誌第五卷第九號 The Ladies Journal, vol. 5 no. 9
女界最適用之圖書 Most suitable books for women
婦女雜誌第五卷第九號目次 Table of contents, volume 5, issue 9, Funu zazhi
婦女雜誌第五卷第九號目次 Table of contents, volume 5, issue 9, Funu zazhi
五卷第十號要目預告 Preview of the key contents of vol. 5, no. 10
泰西名畫/ 沙場 Famous European painting/ Battlefield
泰西名畫/ 深閨 Famous European painting/ Boudoir
衛生 Hygiene
注意特價 Pay attention to big sale
注意特價 Pay attention to big sale
春宵課子圖 The painting of educating sons in spring night
吳江麗則女學球員攝影 The photo of ball players of Lize female school in Wujiang
旁氏白玉霜 Pond's extract company's vanishing cream
旁氏白玉霜 Pond's extract company's vanishing cream
旁氏白玉霜 Pond's extract company's vanishing cream
精製名扇 Delicately-made, famous fans
精製名扇 Delicately-made, famous fans
女子中學師範學校教科書 Textbooks of female middle schools affiliated to teachers colleges
此男孩兒曾患腹瀉 This boy had diarrhea
此男孩兒曾患腹瀉 This boy had diarrhea
服清導丸頭腦清爽身體康壯 Taking qing dao balls makes the mind clear and refreshing and the body healthy and strong
服清導丸頭腦清爽身體康壯 Taking qing dao balls makes the mind clear and refreshing and the body healthy and strong
埃及新妇女乘马车出外之状 The scene of new women going outdoors on horseback in Egypt
埃及新妇女持国旗游行讲演之状 The scene of new women holding flags, demonstrating and lecturing in Egypt
趣味科學星雲譯日本科學世界 Interesting science: Nebula translated from Science World from Japanese
趣味科學星雲譯日本科學世界 Interesting science: Nebula translated from Science World from Japanese
趣味科學星雲譯日本科學世界 Interesting science: Nebula translated from Science World from Japanese
家蠅傳播病菌之研究及其預防法 The study of and methods of preventing the spread of germs from houseflies
家蠅傳播病菌之研究及其預防法 The study of and methods of preventing the spread of germs from houseflies
家蠅傳播病菌之研究及其預防法 The study of and methods of preventing the spread of germs from houseflies
家蠅傳播病菌之研究及其預防法 The study of and methods of preventing the spread of germs from houseflies
家蠅傳播病菌之研究及其預防法 The study of and methods of preventing the spread of germs from houseflies
天然奇異之食品 Natural and exotic foods
天然奇異之食品 Natural and exotic foods
天然奇異之食品 Natural and exotic foods
天然奇異之食品 Natural and exotic foods
天然奇異之食品 Natural and exotic foods
天然奇異之食品 Natural and exotic foods
難病之治療法(續) Treatments for severe diseases (continued)
難病之治療法(續) Treatments for severe diseases (continued)
難病之治療法(續) Treatments for severe diseases (continued)
難病之治療法(續) Treatments for severe diseases (continued)
烹調秘術(續) Cooking secrets (continued)
烹調秘術(續) Cooking secrets (continued)
烹調秘術(續) Cooking secrets (continued)
烹調秘術(續) Cooking secrets (continued)
看護婦對於傳染病室之預防 Prevention methods for female caregivers who work in infectious wards
看護婦對於傳染病室之預防 Prevention methods for female caregivers who work in infectious wards
兒童疾病治療法(續) Treatments for childhood diseases (continued)
兒童疾病治療法(續) Treatments for childhood diseases (continued)
兒童疾病治療法(續) Treatments for childhood diseases (continued)
兒童疾病治療法(續) Treatments for childhood diseases (continued)
兒童疾病治療法(續) Treatments for childhood diseases (continued)
草帽辮製造法 Methods of making plaided straw hats
草帽辮製造法 Methods of making plaided straw hats
草帽辮製造法 Methods of making plaided straw hats
草帽辮製造法 Methods of making plaided straw hats
草帽辮製造法 Methods of making plaided straw hats
蚊蟲與瘧疾(續) Mosquitoes and malaria (continued)
蚊蟲與瘧疾(續) Mosquitoes and malaria (continued)
蚊蟲與瘧疾(續) Mosquitoes and malaria (continued)
蚊蟲與瘧疾(續) Mosquitoes and malaria (continued)
蚊蟲與瘧疾(續) Mosquitoes and malaria (continued)
蚊蟲與瘧疾(續) Mosquitoes and malaria (continued)
蚊蟲與瘧疾(續) Mosquitoes and malaria (continued)
蚊蟲與瘧疾(續) Mosquitoes and malaria (continued)
蚊蟲與瘧疾(續) Mosquitoes and malaria (continued)
普通女子最新尺牘 The latest model of epistolary art for ordinary women
國文教科書 Chinese textbook
雪宦繡譜(續) Xue Han embroidery manual (continued)
雪宦繡譜(續) Xue Han embroidery manual (continued)
雪宦繡譜(續) Xue Han embroidery manual (continued)
雪宦繡譜(續) Xue Han embroidery manual (continued)
雪宦繡譜(續) Xue Han embroidery manual (continued)
雪宦繡譜(續) Xue Han embroidery manual (continued)
妊娠之衛生 The hygiene of pregnancy
妊娠之衛生 The hygiene of pregnancy
妊娠之衛生 The hygiene of pregnancy
治家四要(續) The four most imporant things for homemakers (continued)
治家四要(續) The four most imporant things for homemakers (continued)
治家四要(續) The four most imporant things for homemakers (continued)
治家四要(續) The four most imporant things for homemakers (continued)
治家四要(續) The four most imporant things for homemakers (continued)
嬰兒之體操 Infant gymnastics
嬰兒之體操 Infant gymnastics
嬰兒之體操 Infant gymnastics
嬰兒之體操 Infant gymnastics
實用牝雛雞困畜法(附圖四) Methods of penning [and] raising female chicks (with four images)
實用牝雛雞困畜法(附圖四) Methods of penning [and] raising female chicks (with four images)
實用牝雛雞困畜法(附圖四) Methods of penning [and] raising female chicks (with four images)
有滋養之果物 Nourishing fruits
有滋養之果物 Nourishing fruits
養鯉談 Discussion on carp farming
養鯉談 Discussion on carp farming
英語週刊 English Weekly
請用國貨 Please use national products
請用國貨 Please use national products
聰明之女郎 Smart lady
聰明之女郎 Smart lady
聰明之女郎 Smart lady
聰明之女郎 Smart lady
德人近來之生活狀況 The recent livelihood of Germans
德人近來之生活狀況 The recent livelihood of Germans
南洋僑女戒用妝飾品之可嘉 Chinese women quitting using makeup in South Asia worths compliment
婦女嗜煙賭之大罪惡 The big sin of women getting addicted to smoking and gambling
時事要聞 Current events and important news
時事要聞 Current events and important news
時事要聞 Current events and important news
英國盲女製衣圖 The English blind girl making clothes
文/ 女砌蘭葬銘 Essay/ Inscription of the female orchid in brick
文/ 女砌蘭葬銘 Essay/ Inscription of the female orchid in brick
文/ 遊金山記 Essay/ Gold Mountain travelouge
文/ 寒假送同學歸里序 Essay/ Preface to seeing classmate off in winter holiday
文/ 遊金山記 Essay/ Gold Mountain travelouge
文/ 遊金山記 Essay/ Gold Mountain travelouge
詩選三首 Three selected poems
九原可作(續) Rise from the dead (continued)
九原可作(續) Rise from the dead (continued)
九原可作(續) Rise from the dead (continued)
九原可作(續) Rise from the dead (continued)
九原可作(續) Rise from the dead (continued)
九原可作(續) Rise from the dead (continued)
秋之夜 Autumn night
秋之夜 Autumn night
秋之夜 Autumn night
秋之夜 Autumn night
飛機 Airplane
飛機 Airplane
飛機 Airplane
飛機 Airplane
飛機 Airplane
飛機 Airplane
飛機 Airplane
一藍花 (續) A basket of flowers (continued)
一藍花 (續) A basket of flowers (continued)
一藍花 (續) A basket of flowers (continued)
一藍花 (續) A basket of flowers (continued)
一藍花 (續) A basket of flowers (continued)
君子花彈詞(續) Gentleman flower Tanci (continued)
君子花彈詞(續) Gentleman flower Tanci (continued)
君子花彈詞(續) Gentleman flower Tanci (continued)
君子花彈詞(續) Gentleman flower Tanci (continued)
君子花彈詞(續) Gentleman flower Tanci (continued)
君子花彈詞(續) Gentleman flower Tanci (continued)
《教育雜誌》《北京大學月刊》《學生雜誌》《英文雜誌》 Education Magazine/ Peking University Monthly/ Students Quarterly Journal/ English Magazine
《東方雜誌》《英語週刊》《小說月報》《少年雜誌》 The Eastern Miscellany/ English Weekly/ Fiction Monthly Magazine/ Youth Magazine
論教育用獎品之利害 Discussion on the pros and cons of using rewards in education
意鄉記 In memory of hometown
意鄉記 In memory of hometown
說蠶桑 Talk on silk-worm mulberry trees
勸友注重國文書 Letter to persuade friend to pay attention to national language
勸友注重國文書 Letter to persuade friend to pay attention to national language
朱子以鳥數飛釋時習試申其說 Zhuzi uses niao shu fei shi shi xi to state his theory
說荷葉 Talk on lotus leaves
說荷葉 Talk on lotus leaves
中秋謝飲小啓 Making a thanksful toast on mid-autumn festival
中秋謝飲小啓 Making a thanksful toast on mid-autumn festival
中秋謝飲小啓 Making a thanksful toast on mid-autumn festival
中秋望月 Watch the moon on mid-autumn festival
中秋望月 Watch the moon on mid-autumn festival
苧蘿詩話 Ningluo poetry
苧蘿詩話 Ningluo poetry
苧蘿詩話 Ningluo poetry
苧蘿詩話 Ningluo poetry
書目介紹 Introduction to book items
書目介紹 Introduction to book items
科學之趣味(續) Interesting science (continued)
科學之趣味(續) Interesting science (continued)
科學之趣味(續) Interesting science (continued)
科學之趣味(續) Interesting science (continued)
科學之趣味(續) Interesting science (continued)
科學之趣味(續) Interesting science (continued)
國民之敵 Enemy of the nation
國民之敵 Enemy of the nation
國民之敵 Enemy of the nation
世界新智識 The world's new knowledge
世界新智識 The world's new knowledge
世界新智識 The world's new knowledge
世界新智識 The world's new knowledge
負義之蛙 The ungrateful frog
負義之蛙 The ungrateful frog
理科新遊戲 New science games
理科新遊戲 New science games
理科新遊戲 New science games
婦女雜誌五卷七號懸賞新題 New reward-giving question, the Ladies' Journal, vol. 5, no. 7
新書 New books
大徵文 Big call for submissions
懸賞募集 Reward-giving call for submissions
The Ladies' Journal
A great variety of imported business books
名人書畫紈摺扇 Paintings, calligraphies and folding fans of famous people
氣血枯乾 Lack of spirit and blood
氣血枯乾 Lack of spirit and blood
氣血枯乾 Lack of spirit and blood
氣血枯乾 Lack of spirit and blood