Nüzi Shijie
No. 006 (14 June, 1904)
Page: 071 (102 total)

讀女學報第四期女界近史漫題四絕 - On reading Nüxue bao's fourth issue and the recent history of women, four quatrains spilled forth

Column title: 文苑: 因花集 - Literary Garden: Collections from Flowers
Subject matters: 詩詞 - verse,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: the state of Chinese womanhood,

常州悟因女士汪毓真 Changzhouo Wuyin Nushi Wang Yuzhen (Author)

見女子世界徵文以女中華命題愧不能文詩以備媵 - Upon Seeing Women's World's notice soliciting authors and the proposed topic on being ashamed I was not able to write a

Column title: 文苑: 因花集 - Literary Garden: Collections from Flowers
Subject matters: 詩詞 - verse,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: the state of Chinese womanhood, nationalism,

常州悟因女士汪毓真 Changzhouo Wuyin Nushi Wang Yuzhen (Author)

祝女子世界 - Well-wishes for Women's World

Column title: 文苑: 因花集 - Literary Garden: Collections from Flowers
Subject matters: 詩詞 - verse,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: Freedom, women,

常州悟因女士汪毓真 Changzhouo Wuyin Nushi Wang Yuzhen (Author)