Funü Shibao
No. 002 (26 July, 1911)
Page: 029 (131 total)

我如法服了羅威藥房的固本丸並用外治的手術我種種說不出的病症都痊癒了真真是婦科的靈丹妙法呀 - After I took the Luowei Pharmacy's Guben Medicine for Uterus as directed and underwent a surgery, all my unnamable diseases were cured. This is really a miraculous cure for women

Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,

Keywords: Medicine,


我如法服了羅威藥房的固本子宮丸並用外治的手術我種種說不出的病症都痊癒了真真是婦科的靈丹妙法呀 - After I took the Luowei Pharmacy's Guben Medicine for the Uterus as directed and underwent [external treatment], all my unnamable diseases were cured. This is really a miraculous cure for women

Brand: 固本子宮丸 - Guben medicine for the uterus
Notes: Guarantee [testimonial] from Ms. Chen, a teacher at the Zhongxi Girls' School.

Category: Health products

Keywords: Medicine,