Nüzi Shijie
No. 004 (16 April, 1904)
Page: 076 (98 total)

招待留學 - Entertaining foreign students

Column title: 記事: 外國 - Record of events: foreign
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: foreign news , foreign women, Japan,

下田歌子 Xiatian Gezi (mentioned in article)
松平久子 Songping Jiuzi (mentioned in article)
沈兆緯 Shen Zhaowei (mentioned in article)

紹興女學 - Shaoxing girls' school

Column title: 記事: 内國 - Record of events: Domestic
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: women's education,

禁遏設學 - Prohibitions on establishing schools

Column title: 記事: 内國 - Record of events: Domestic
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: women's education, foreign women, Japan,

設天足會 - Establishing natural feet societies

Column title: 記事: 内國 - Record of events: Domestic
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: women health, foot binding,

宋康復 Song Kangfu (mentioned in article)

女工藝廠 - Artisanal factories for women's work

Column title: 記事: 内國 - Record of events: Domestic
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: women's education, women's occupation,

張竹君 Zhang Zhujun (mentioned in article)

赤十字會 - Red Cross society

Column title: 記事: 内國 - Record of events: Domestic
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: , America, military, foreign women, Japan, physician,

左小竹 Zuo Xiaozhu (mentioned in article)
張弼士 Zhang Bishi (mentioned in article)
李直繩 Li Zhisheng (mentioned in article)
溫佐才 Wen Zuocai (mentioned in article)
鄭陶齋 Zheng Taozhai (mentioned in article)
馮華川 Feng Huachuan (mentioned in article)
黃詔平 Huang Zhaoping (mentioned in article)