Nüzi Shijie
No. 001 (06 January, 1905)
Page: 094 (122 total)

女校成蹟 - Women's schools make tracks

Column title: 記事: 内國 - Record of events: Domestic
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: women's education,

曾廣鏞 Zeng Guangyong (mentioned in article)
曾德貞 Zeng Dezhen (mentioned in article)
杜本崇 Du Benchong (mentioned in article)
陳保儀 Chen Baoyi (mentioned in article)
黃謙 Huang Qian (mentioned in article)

特別調查 湖南女界 男女同校 - Men and women at school together

Column title: 記事: 内國 - Record of events: Domestic
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: women's education,

女校消息 - News on girls' schools

Column title: 記事: 内國 - Record of events: Domestic
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: women's education, foreign women, schools,

杜清特女士 Du Qingte Nushi (mentioned in article)
熊仲笙 Xiong Zhongsheng (mentioned in article)
熊仲笙夫人 Xiong Zhongsheng furen (mentioned in article)
米釋禮 Mishili (mentioned in article)
許見田 Xu Jiantian (mentioned in article)
陳石生 Chen Shisheng (mentioned in article)
陳石生夫人 Chen Shisheng furen (mentioned in article)