Nüzi Shijie
No. 4-5 (30 November, 1905)
Page: 129 (134 total)

敬告全浙女同胞售珠飾購鐵路股票公函 - Advising women compatriots from all of Zhejiang about the selling of decorative gems and the purchase of railway tickets

Column title: 特別警告 - Special Alerts
Subject matters: 文章 - essay,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: citizen, nationalism, Jewelry,

仁和女士吳劍華文彬 Renhe nushi Wu Jianhua Wenbin (Author)

無錫天足社報告辭 - the speech from the Wuxi natural feet society

Column title: 特別警告 - Special Alerts
Subject matters: 文章 - essay,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: body, foot binding,