No. 007 (29 April, 1931)
Page: 013 (36 total)

電池之常識 - Common knowledge on batteries

Column title: 常識 - Common Knowledge
Subject matters: 新知 - new knowledge,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: household economics, general knowledge, saving money, practical instruction , articles for everyday use,

桑錫麟 Sang Xilin (Author)

左圖是美國一九三一年最新居室的佈置.所用的器具都極玲瓏,試看所用的椅子多麼輕便.牆上的架子一點不占他位,既別緻又時髦。地上所鋪的地席,花紋好像磚塊砌成的,更可以顯得她的美麗。住在這樣的屋裏真要心怡神快了。 - In the left picture you can see the latest interior decoration in America in 1931. All utensils are very exquisite. Look, the chairs are light and convenient. The shelf on the wall doesn't take too much room at all, both unique and modern. The pattern of the floor seems to be made up by bricks, which highlights its beauty. Living in such a room one could be totally relaxed and happy.

Subject matters: Interior scene,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

Keywords: furniture, Family life/routine,