No. 089 (29 March, 1933)
Page: 029 (48 total)

(上)烏發女星馮瑪羅之美麗背影 - (above) a beautiful view of the back of Fengmaluo a star of the Universum Film A. G.

Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

Keywords: stars,

烏發公司 Wufa gong si (mentioned in caption)
馮瑪羅 Fengmaluo (depicted on image, mentioned in caption)

對花凝睇的吉戴瑪萊絲 - Jidaimalaisi who is gazing at flowers

Subject matters: Interior scene with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

吉戴瑪萊絲 Jidaimalaisi (mentioned in caption, depicted on image)

烏發的一顆燦爛明星終於給好萊塢吸引去了。這是莉琳哈維,在整理舞裝之倩影。 - A magnificent star of the Universum Film A. G. is recruited by the Hollywood. This is Lilinhawei dressing herself up before dancing.

Subject matters: Interior scene with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

Keywords: stars,

好萊塢 Haolaiwu (mentioned in caption)
烏發公司 Wufa gong si (mentioned in caption)
莉琳哈維 Lilinhawei (depicted on image, mentioned in caption)