No. 127 (10 January, 1934)
Page: 020 (64 total)

北平本屆私立中學冬季女子籃球賽冠軍之志成隊 -

Subject matters: Urban scene with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

Additional information:
(後立者)沈昌惠 余崇懿 屠珍琯 沈昌黎 徐乃謙 楊淑芳
(前立者)李聞欣 楊寶璉 趙淑芸 李妙嫻 錢家璇

Keywords: sports, physical education,

余崇懿 Yu Chongyi (depicted on image)
屠珍琯 Tu Zhenguan (depicted on image)
徐乃謙 Xu Naiqian (depicted on image)
李妙嫻 Li Miaoxian (depicted on image)
李聞欣 Li Wenxin (depicted on image)
楊寶璉 Yang Baolian (depicted on image)
楊淑芳 Yang Shufang (depicted on image)
沈昌惠 Shen Changhui (depicted on image)
沈昌黎 Shen Changli (depicted on image)
米東帆 Mi Dongfan (depicted on image)
趙淑芸 Zhao Shuyun (depicted on image)
錢家璇 Qian Jiaxuan (depicted on image)

北平崇慈女中韓淑清女士擅長籃球此為其運動後之雄姿 -

Subject matters: Urban scene with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

Keywords: sports, physical education,

崇慈女中 Chongci nu zhong (mentioned in caption)
韓淑清 Han Shuqing (mentioned in caption, depicted on image)