No. 164 (12 December, 1934)
Page: 031 (64 total)

是不滿吃人的社會嗎?帶著心愛的小生命阿花,踏著沉重的步子,悲憤地......往何處去? - Is it that (you) are not satisfied with this cannibalistic society? Where are (you) going with your beloved little life Ahua, with the heavy steps, grievously and angrily...?

「禁止學生跳舞」正喊得烏烟瘴氣,小小年紀,竟也學會跳舞嗎?「唉,世風不古!」難怪老學究要搖頭嘆氣。 - That ‘‘students are forbidden to dance'' is being shouted in an foul atmosphere. With that young age, (you) have learned how to dance already? ''ah, the moral values are no longer what they were in the good old days!'' No wonder that (those) old scholastics would shake their heads and sigh.