Funü zazhi
No. 003 (29 February, 1916)
Page: 072 (166 total)

比皇與比后(前英國特派埃及古物調查員韋蓋爾原著、見倫敦家庭女報) - Belgian emperor and Belgian empress, authored by the former British envoy of Egyptian archeology Weigaier, in a London family magazine for women

Column title: 記述門 - Records
Subject matters: 散文 - prose,
Language level: Wenyan

宗良 Zong Liang (Translator)

比皇與比后在西祕頹敗古蹟中 - Belgian emperor and empress in Ximi's? declining historical site

Painter/Photograph: 偉格 Weige (Photographer)

Subject matters: Landscape with figure,

比皇與偉格君在埃及北部西祕 - Belgian emperor and Mr. ? in Ximi?, North Egypt

Subject matters: Landscape with figure,

比皇與偉格君於流索策騎 - Belgian emperor and Mr. ? rode in ?

Subject matters: Landscape with figure,

比皇與偉格君乘船渡尼羅河至流索大冬旅館 - Belgian emperor and Mr. ? crossed Nile River to Liusuo Dadong hotel

Subject matters: Landscape with figure,