Funü zazhi
No. 002 (31 January, 1916)
Page: 156 (178 total)

謎畫懸賞第三次 - Third round of picture riddles contest

Language level: Wenyan

謎畫懸賞第三次(六) - Reward offerred for the third painting riddles (No. 6)

Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,

謎畫懸賞第三次(五) - Reward offerred for the third painting riddles (No. 5)

Subject matters: Landscape with figure,

謎畫懸賞第三次(四) - Reward offerred for the third painting riddles (No. 4)

Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,

謎畫懸賞第三次(三) - Reward offerred for the third painting riddles (No. 3)

Subject matters: Landscape with figure,

謎畫懸賞第三次(二) - Reward offerred for the third painting riddles (No. 2)

Subject matters: Landscape with figure,

謎畫懸賞第三次(一) - Reward offerred for the third painting riddles (No. 1)

Subject matters: Landscape with figure,