Funü zazhi
No. 001 (31 December, 1925)
Page: 214 (317 total)

婦女的美術/ 學攝影術的利益 - Women s arts/ The benefits of learning photography skills

Column title: 乙種徵文 - Medium level essay competition
Subject matters: 散文 - prose,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: photography, embroidery, animals, arts and crafts,

(mentioned in article)
振之 Zhen Zhi (Author)

婦女的美術/ 女子好美是不用說的 - Women s arts/ Women s love for beauty is known by heart

Column title: 乙種徵文 - Medium level essay competition
Subject matters: 散文 - prose,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: music, arts and crafts, beauty, Literature, paintings, clothing, costume, dress, poetry ,

(mentioned in article, mentioned in article)
竹蔭 Zhu Yin (Author)
蔡文姬 Cai Wenji (mentioned in article)
贾宝玉 Jia Baoyu (mentioned in article)
趙明誠 Zhao Mingcheng (mentioned in article)