Funü zazhi
No. 001 (31 December, 1925)
Page: 296 (317 total)

留聲機的幾種及使用法 - The types and instructions of gramophones

Subject matters: 散文 - prose,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: music,

愛迭孫 Aidiesun (mentioned in article)
施考德 Shikaode (mentioned in article)
法褒爾 Fabaoer (mentioned in article)
派生 Paisheng (mentioned in article)
莜德 Youde (mentioned in article)
蓋儀 Gaiyi (mentioned in article)
蕯耨 Longnou (mentioned in article)
裴替義 Peitiyi (mentioned in article)
裴魯 Peilu (mentioned in article)
褒利那 Baolina (mentioned in article)
農隱 Nong Yin (Author)
麥克唐乃爾 Maiketangnaier (mentioned in article)

音樂誌異 - Bizarre stories of music

Subject matters: 散文 - prose,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: music, fiction,

Carmen (mentioned in article)
他鲁毛勒斯 Talumaolesi (mentioned in article)
剛拉威斯佳 Ganglaweisijia (mentioned in article)
周維藩 Zhou Weifan (Author)
拔克滿 Bakeman (mentioned in article)
王孝 Wang Xiao (mentioned in article)