Funü zazhi
No. 009 (31 August, 1926)
Page: 082 (166 total)

慈母手中的線/ 着了怎樣安心 - The thread in the hand of a kind mother/ How can I feel peaceful when wearing it

Column title: 乙種徵文 - Medium level essay competition
Subject matters: 散文 - prose,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: motherhood, money, clothing, costume, dress,

熏柏 Xunbo (Author)

慈母手中的線/ 那管慈母的苦心 - The thread in the hand of a kind mother/ She did not care about the hardwork of her mother

Column title: 乙種徵文 - Medium level essay competition
Subject matters: 散文 - prose,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: motherhood, female students, clothing, costume, dress,

Y. T. Wang (Author)