Funü zazhi
No. 005 (30 April, 1929)
Page: 028 (156 total)

我國女青年的傾向 - The tendencies of our country s young ladies

Subject matters: 散文 - prose,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: profession/work, celibacy, sex,

(mentioned in article)
加本特 Jiabente (mentioned in article)
喬治 Qiaozhi (mentioned in article)
孟德斯鸠 Mengdesijiu (mentioned in article)
山川菊榮 Shanchuan Jurong (mentioned in article)
泰羅 Tailuo (mentioned in article)
甯蔆秋 Ning Lingqiu (Author)
白夢西 Bai Mengxi (mentioned in article)
羅斯福 Luosifu (mentioned in article)
羅素 Luosu (mentioned in article)