Funü zazhi
No. 011 (01 November, 1930)
Page: 021 (154 total)

日曆日記 - Calendar diary

Subject matters: Product,
Medium: Line drawing

Function: Related to Article/Ad

日曆日記 - Calendar diary

Brand: 商務印書館 - Commercial press
Category: Printed materials

上海指南 - Shanghai city guide

Brand: 商務印書館 - Commercial press
Category: Printed materials

Keywords: travel, food and drink, transportation, culture,

國立音樂專科學校叢書 - National Music Institute book series

Brand: 商務印書館 - Commercial press
Category: Printed materials

Keywords: music, series of books,

Hoine (mentioned in advertisement)
Schiller (mentioned in advertisement)
易韋齊 Yi Weiqi (mentioned in advertisement)
蕭友梅 Xiao Youmei (mentioned in advertisement)
黎青主 Li Qingzhu (mentioned in advertisement)