No. 010 (20 May, 1931)
Page: 016 (36 total)

© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.

醜夫人, (My) ugly wife

徐振玉 Xu Zhenyu (Author),

Keywords: emotions, marital relationships, suggestion, beauty, worries and troubles,


你如果要稱心而又玲瓏的手表請驾臨南京路中美鐘表眼鏡公司.歡迎參觀. If you would like to buy a satisfactory and exquisite watch, the Zhongmei/Chinese-American Watch and Glasses Company on Nanjing Road is expecting your esteemed presence! Welcome to visit us.


你如果要稱心而又玲瓏的手錶請駕臨南京路中美鍾表眼鏡公司!歡迎參觀。, If you would like to buy a satisfactory and exquisite watch, the Zhongmei/Chinese-American Watch and Glasses Company on Nanjing Road is expecting your esteemed presence! Welcome to visit us.

Brand: 中美鐘表, Zhongmei Watches

Keywords: advertisement,