Emergency services
112Emergency medical service |
112Fire department |
110Police |
Other emergency services in Heidelberg
Emergency medical service Alte Eppelheimer Str. 35 69115 Heidelberg Phone: +49 6221 19292 |
Emergency dental service Sofienstraße 29 69115 Heidelberg Phone: +49 6221 3544917 |
Further information Location |
Duty pharmacy Tel.: +49 0800 00 22833 Phone: +49 22833 |
Further information Location |
Police station Heidelberg-Mitte Römerstr. 2-4 69115 Heidelberg Phone: +49 6221 – 991700 |
Further information Location |
Please be prepared to answer the following questions:
Where is the location of the emergency?
What has happened?
How many people are affected?
Who is injured?
Wait for further questions by the dispatch operator
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