HAI supportsYour Alumni Work

Intensify contact with your alumni and build valuable bridges between the students and alumni of your discipline

HAI supports you, for example, in activities and events at the institute, in making targeted contact with personalities from the circle of alumni in your department, or in advertising your institution and your offerings to a broader public in the HAI network.

Your Alumni Work

Staff is busy and funds are scarce. And now alumni work as well? Yes! Because alumni work is an investment that pays off faster than most investments in the stock market. And the good thing is: HAI supports you in this.

Recruit alumni to open up additional opportunities and information to your students that will make them more appreciative alumni later. Involve the student councils and let's work together to develop a concept and identify and exploit opportunities. Below are suggestions for your alumni outreach for which HAI can assist you in a variety of ways.


Activities and events for and with alumni can take a variety of forms and facets, in larger or smaller formats, one-day or multi-day, on a regular basis or for special occasions. The following are a few examples:

  • Institute- or faculty-related events: Engaging alumni at regular alumni homecoming, special one-off events, silver/gold exam and graduation ceremonies
  • Career events with contributions from alumni for your students: Alumnae and alumni are available as speakers or experts, e.g. on the topics of graduation, career entry, career planning, and much more, and answer your students' questions
  • Mentoring events: Matching events in person or online, where your students can meet alumnae and alumni from the HAI mentoring program and network for a targeted personal exchange of experiences on individual topics
  • Summer Schools: Events for the professional development of your alumni. Here you can also draw on our expertise in applying for financial support (e.g. from the DAAD)

Contact with people & personalities

The HAI network has contacts to nearly 20,000 alumni of the university – also from your department. Use this treasure for your alumni work and approach us. For example, in the search for:

  • Speakers: As keynote speakers, for panel discussions, roundtable discussions, career events
  • Mentors from your department for your students
  • Individual alumni: Targeted search for lost contacts
  • A wider reach: disseminating information via mass mailings and social media

Advertising as part of alumni work at HAI

We also support you in other activities, e.g. reaching a broader public, within the HAI network and beyond, to report on new projects, announce lectures and events:

  • Promotion of your public events or lectures in Heidelberg and the region among HAI members and via social media
  • Presentation of your institution, your research focus or new institute projects in the HAI network – both to alumni of your department and, beyond that, to those interested in other disciplines
  • Publication of portraits of outstanding, both historical alumni as well as current graduates of your discipline in publications and on the website

Do you have completely different ideas for the design of your alumni work? We are also open to further suggestions from you – please contact us. We are looking forward to your suggestions!
