Scholarships Financial Support
Temporary individual scholarships to support studies and research or to bridge special life situations – financed by donations from alumnae and alumni.
Financial grants for study or research stays in Heidelberg, receiving support to continue financing studies or graduation in the event of a sudden emergency through no fault of one's own, gaining transatlantic experience during an academic stay at Heidelberg University: all this is possible with donations from committed alumni.

Graduation Grants
You are about to complete your studies and have found yourself in a financial emergency that jeopardises your ability to pass your final exams or write your thesis? In cooperation with the Gesellschaft der Freunde der Universität Heidelberg e. V. (GdF), Heidelberg Alumni International awards partial scholarships to students who need financial support right before graduation. Apply now for a graduation grant and successfully complete your studies..

Amirana Scholarship
Are you studying medicine and come from a country in the global south? Is your further course of studies or your final degree in serious jeopardy? Do you need temporary help to bridge a financial bottleneck? (Dental) medical students from countries of the Global South who are in financial distress through no fault of their own can apply for an Amirana Scholarship. The application deadline is 1 December each year for support in the following year.

HAUS Scholarships
Are you looking for financial support for your study visit or your participation in the International Summer Course in Heidelberg? Bachelor and Master students from the US can improve their language skills and get to know German culture during a stay in Germany. Apply for a HAUS Scholarship and get to know the country and its people in Germany's oldest university city.

HAIreconnect Scholarships
Have you already completed a research stay as a visiting scholar at Heidelberg University and would like to return to Heidelberg for a short time to consolidate your networks and cooperation projects? Or would you like to advance your research project as an international junior researcher by spending time in Heidelberg? Then apply now for a HAIreconnect scholarship.