RAN Newsletter 02/2024 “I have the best opinion of the German scientific system”

Dr André Otelo Paraíba Mata, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology at Universidade de Lisboa in Lisbon/Portugal 

From September 2011 to January 2015 postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Psychology at Heidelberg University, 2015 research stay in Heidelberg as HAIreconnect scholar, RAN-Ambassador


When, how long and in what position did you stay at Heidelberg University?

I worked 4 happy years (2011-2015) as a PostDoc in Heidelberg.

Why did you decide in favour of Heidelberg University?

I was attracted by the great work done by the research group headed by Professor Klaus Fiedler.

What do you like best about being in Heidelberg? What suggestions would you have for improvements?

What did I like best about being in Heidelberg? My honest answer would have to be: my colleagues (now my friends). It was a wonderful work environment, where fun and work were not at all mutually exclusive. But I must also mention my students there. I taught several seminars, and I was blessed with wonderful classes of bright and engaging students. To them I am also grateful.

How did your career continue after your time in Heidelberg?

In 2015 I made the decision to return to Portugal, where I now work at the University of Lisbon.

What is your view of the German scientific system in comparison to that of your home country or to that of other countries where you may have conducted research?

I have the best opinion of the German scientific system. There is a vibrant intellectual atmosphere, to which students and junior researchers contribute a great deal. I maintain fruitful collaborations with several German colleagues, including at Heidelberg University.

In your opinion, what is the importance of international exchanges for researchers?

I consider it to be an essential part of my academic trajectory, and I encourage my students to do the same. It’s where researchers get to learn and pass on new ideas. It’s also how many collaborations (and again, friendships) get formed.

What is your opinion of the opportunities made available through the Research Alumni Network? Have you taken advantage of any of these opportunities yet? If yes, please elaborate.

I did get to visit Heidelberg University again with the support of the Research Alumni Network, for which I am grateful.

You are Research-Alumni Ambassador for Heidelberg as a location of research – what are your experiences and plans?

I continue to collaborate with researchers from Heidelberg University. In these collaborations, I have hosted researchers from Heidelberg University in the past, and have to plans to continue doing so. Moreover, I have integrated joint research projects with Heidelberg University.

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