HAI members around the world

A vibrant, growing community - diverse, culturally, linguistically, professionally mixed and globally distributed. That is Heidelberg all over the world. Wherever you go: HAI is already there

HAI members represent their university on all continents. In some regions they are strongly represented and organized in groups or clubs, in others there are just a few or even a few individuals who are happy to make contact and network with other Heidelberg students. Some international groups are also active with their own chapters not only in their own countries, but also in Heidelberg in order to be able to address young students there directly.

The desire for a global network dates back to the 1980s. The first initiatives emerged from the ranks of international alumni in cooperation with the University's International Office at the time. These were expanded and established in the following years with the founding of Heidelberg Alumni International. Today, the university offers its members a global network with interesting people in 135 countries on all continents.

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