Looking back – HAIlight in JulyThe bigger picture – HAIlight on the SRH campus

In the higher education landscape, Heidelberg is primarily associated with Ruperto Carola, but the city is also home to other universities, including the private SRH University Heidelberg. On 12 June, HAI and Julia Beck from the university's alumni management team invited HAI members from the region to HAIlight on its campus in Wieblingen.

Demand was high, but places were limited, so that in the end 20 participants took part in the campus tour. The campus guide and "connecting element" between the two universities was SRH employee Anna Schultz-Coulon, who is not only an alumna of Ruperto Carola, but also has family ties: Her father is a professor at the Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, while her mother was a long-standing head of the Department of Studies and Teaching in the university administration. Anna Schultz-Coulon's tour gave the participants a wide range of impressions, from the impressive view from the blue tower to the media workshop and teaching rooms to insights into offices, campus sports and the various faculties. SRH alumnus Julian Bastel and deputy alumni representative and architecture student Kathrin Binder rounded off the tour with their personal experiences.

At the end of the tour, delicious panini and cool drinks were served in the "Cube" cafeteria, rounding off the sociable get-together in the surroundings of the Science Park. Those who had paid close attention were able to put their knowledge to the test in a short quiz. Congratulations to the winners!

SRH Campus

In the "HAIlights" series of events, we have been taking a look behind the scenes of your university with you for more than 10 years to explore new things or rediscover old favourites. We get to know new sides of Heidelberg or gain exciting insights into the lives and work of our members and other people associated with the university.

Would you like some culture, city history, university life, facts and figures, specialised or entertaining information after work? Then why not attend a HAIlight! The next event is planned for October.