Career prospects eventsWhat happens after graduation?

Some students start their studies with a clear career goal, while others initially study out of interest in the subject and without a clear idea of what they want to do with their specialised knowledge later on. No matter what the start looks like, experience reports from alumni help with questions about what can come after graduation and how to get started in the desired profession. In the summer semester 2024, there were again corresponding "Career Perspectives" events for the subjects of Geography and Sociology.

As part of the “Career Perspectives” series of events, Prof. Dr Ingmar Unkel organised the workshop "Career Perspectives in Geography – Job Market and Entry Opportunities" on 12 July 2024, which takes place once a semester. Prof. Unkel is the Department of Geography's representative for the practical geography modules on the degree programmes and has also taken on the role of moderator of the department's newly revived alumni group.

Symbolbild Alumni-Gruppe Geographie

Alumna Dr Joana Seguin, who conducts research at the University of Hanover, kicked off the event by talking about an academic career in the field of geography. Other former Heidelberg students, who now work as geographers, then gave keynote speeches providing insights into their various careers: Amélie Marquardt presented her work at Naturpark Neckartal-Odenwald e.V., Christopher Barron reported on his work as an open space planner for the city of Mannheim and Andreas Reimer spoke about his work as a trainer for geomatics technicians at a school in Kassel. The workshop participants were then able to chat to the speakers in small groups over a relaxed coffee break before concluding with a fireside chat moderated by Ingmar Unkel to discuss their experiences on the path to a career.

The next "Career Perspectives" event in Geography is planned for 24 January 2025. Former students who would like to take part as speakers can contact Ingmar Unkel now:

Students and graduates of sociology were once again invited to a “Career Perspectives” event in cooperation with HAI and the Career Service of the university's heiSKILLS Competence and Language Centre. On 6 June, three sociology alumnae spoke on the Bergheim campus about their first steps in their careers, gave the 20 participating Bachelor's and Master's students tips and were available for personal discussions afterwards: Dr Sita Schanne works in Human Resources Development at Heidelberg University, Janina Effelsberg in Organisational Development at the agricultural engineering company John Deere and Annelie Beller in Human Resources Development and Change Management at the City of Heidelberg.

Symbolbild Alumni-Gruppe Soziologie

The discussions focused on the professional field of personnel and organisational development in the various work contexts of companies, municipalities and universities, as well as what distinguishes sociologists in this working environment and what the work-life balance is like. The students also received tips for starting a career and for internship and career opportunities. The event was moderated by Dr Lukas Pfäffle, who has taken over from Stefan Beljean as the Institute's alumni representative. 

Have you studied geography or sociology and are interested in making contacts with your (former) institutes, other graduates or students? Then join the relevant online group in HAInet and make new contacts or renew old ones. You will find the links to the groups at the bottom of this page.

What can you expect from the ‘Career Perspectives’ event series?

Alumnae and alumni will talk about their first steps into and in their careers, give valuable tips and are available to students for a personal discussion afterwards. Information on everyday working life, the employer and internship and career opportunities in the respective professional fields will also be discussed. In principle, the series is aimed at all students, doctoral candidates and alumni of Heidelberg University who are looking for career guidance in direct contact with alumni from various faculties.

What is special about it?
The series of events provides insights into various, sometimes unknown, professional fields and also shows that a wide variety of paths can lead to the desired goal in professional life.