Donate & Support More money for HAUS scholarship holders in Heidelberg

With the HAUS Scholarship, the US Alumni Club has been funding students residing in the US to study in Heidelberg outside of the usual exchange programs for already twelve years. Future scholarship holders can now look forward to even more generous funding: From the academic year 2024/2025, Master's students will receive USD 7,000 for one semester instead of the previous USD 5,000 and Bachelor's students USD 4,500 instead of the previous USD 3,000. 

This increase, which was decided by the HAUS Leadership Committee, was made possible primarily by Heidelberg alumni living in the US, as the scholarship is funded entirely by alumni who are expressing their solidarity with their German alma mater. The scholarships are open to Bachelor's and Master's students from the US with high academic potential. They are initially awarded for one semester, but there is the option to extend for a further semester. The motivation for setting up the scholarship was the positive experiences that American alumni have had in Heidelberg themselves and which they would like to make possible for future generations. Former scholarship holders, in turn, later become involved as "HAUS Ambassadors" to inspire other American students to study and research in Heidelberg. To date, three Bachelor's and 13 Master's students have been awarded a HAUS Scholarship.

The application deadline for the next scholarships is 15 June  2024. Students with strong academic credentials who are enrolled in or have graduated from a bachelor's or master's degree program at a university in the US are eligible to apply. They must have been accepted as a student at Heidelberg University, although proof of this can be submitted at a later date. Students currently enrolled at Heidelberg University or already receiving a scholarship from another source are not eligible for the HAUS scholarship.

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