Heidelberg Campus Online FAQs - Students

User Account Management
Am I already able to log in to heiCO?
Yes, since 01.12.2022 all students can log in to heiCO.
How can I log in to heiCO?
Please use your Uni-ID with the corresponding password to log in to heiCO.
What functions does the “My Degree Programme” application offer me?
The "My Degree Programme" application offers you a structured view of all the key information about your curriculum, including modules to be taken and fees to be paid. You can also use the application to see the achievements you have to fulfil and the associated courses. Please note that the courses are released individually by the subjects and will therefore only become visible gradually. Instructions on how to use "My Degree Programme" can be found in our download area (see link on the right or at the bottom of the page).
Why is my study progress not displayed in "My Degree Programme"?
The transfer of your study progress to heiCO is currently being prepared. In a later phase (in summer) you will be able to see your current study progress in "My Degree Programme". Until then, the module tiles will show 0 credit points earned (with the exception of individual degree programmes for which the data has already been transferred).
No modules are displayed in the "My Degree Programme" application. What is the reason for this?
If no modules are displayed in the application, it is because your degree programme or examination regulations have not yet been fully implemented in heiCO. Regardless of this, the other heiCO applications can be used in full.
Can I see the status of my semester contribution in heiCO?
Since 23.01.2023, the status of the semester tuition fees can be checked by all students in the heiCO application "Tuition Fees".
Where can I find my study and semester certificates?
You can retrieve your study certificates by logging into heiCO and accessing the “My Documents” tile. To retrieve the enrolment certificates, first select the semester and then click on “Print” on the right. (Instructions can be found in the “Instructions” section). The general enrolment certificate and the certificate for the Bafög have been combined into one document in heiCO. The enrolment certificate now contains all the necessary information for all contacts. The certificates are currently also being made available in LSF on a temporary basis. You can find the certificates there under "Study Administration" if you click on the link "Certificates for all semesters" below the text. We recommend that you use the certificates in heiCO, as they are generated directly from the latest data.
How can I see which amount of my tuition fee is still outstanding?
Red amounts represent outstanding amounts, green amounts are your credit balance.
Will I receive a request for payment when my semester fee is due?
No. You do not need to wait for a request for payment. From the beginning of the re-registration period, you can transfer the fees to the university's bank account (see below). No other steps are necessary for re-registration.
Baden-Württembergische Bank, Stuttgart
IBAN: DE28 6005 0101 0004 9617 81
(bank code 600 501 01 account no. 4961781)
Reason for payment/Intended Use: Matriculation number, Semester (e.g 23S for the summer semester of 2023 or 23W for the corresponding winter semester), surname, first name (valid for the summer semester 2023)
What can I do if information in the system is incorrect (e.g. grades, information on personal data, etc.)?
This depends on the type of incorrect information. Errors in grading should be clarified with the study offices/examination offices of the relevant subject. Some personal data can also be changed by the students themselves in heiCO. In the case of errors in enrolment, please contact the Student Administration Office.
Is the application “My Degree Programme” online or does it have to be downloaded?
The application “My Degree Programme” is activated for all degree programmes. It becomes visible as a tile after logging in to heiCO and therefore does not need to be downloaded separately.
Whom should I contact if the academic record is displayed incorrectly in heiCO?
Such cases must be resolved with the central student administration: They are the first point of contact for questions regarding content or errors regarding enrolment and study status.
I see the tile "You are blocked for re-registration". What does that mean?
This means that you cannot re-register at the moment. Click on the tile to find out the reason for the re-registration block and how you can remove the block.
Course Management
How can I view the course catalogue in heiCO without logging in?
Go to the homepage of the heiCO website. Under "Offer - Courses" you will find the course catalogue.
Are there PDF course catalogues?
Yes, there are. You will find the link on the right.
Do I still have access to non-subject-specific courses, i.e. courses from other degree programmes, as in LSF?
As in LSF, all courses released by the subjects are visible to you in heiCO. You can register for these via the “Courses” application (tile), provided the relevant subject has opened the course for students from other degree programmes.
If a grade has not yet been entered, is there a way in the system to still admit students to subsequent courses (for which the grade is a prerequisite)?
In such cases, student offices/examination offices can register students individually for subsequent courses.
Are the modules that are taken normally in a particular semester also sorted in the same way as in the LSF? Or do you have to find some of the courses yourself?
heiCO offers certain filter options for this purpose when searching for courses. Otherwise, under “My Degree Programme” you can have the modules displayed in the semester view. However, this must have been implemented by the subjects.
Which curriculum context or degree programme do I have to select when registering for a course?
Select the degree programme for which the course is to be credited. If you are enrolled in a multiple degree programme, you must select the relevant sub-degree programme. Do not select the overarching degree programme in which both sub-degree programmes are listed. Then select the curriculum context for which the course is to be credited.
If you would like to have a course credited as an interdisciplinary competency or as an additional achievement, you must select the option "Free registration" under "Select curriculum context".
Exam Management
When can I register for exams in heiCO?
As soon as the achievements have been imported, this is technically possible in heiCO; however, it depends on the responsible personal of the respective subject how it intents to handle the registration modalities. This is currently already possible in those degree programmes in which the achievement data has already been transferred in the winter semester 2023/24. The achievement data for the remaining degree programmes will be transferred in the coming months (currently planned for the second half of May).
Can the grades for internships etc. be entered in heiCO (and thus in the transcript) by the examination office?
Yes. Internships are recorded in heiCO as an achievement by the examination office. The subject itself can control how much information about the internship is recorded.
Will the registration of Bachelor's/Master's theses via heiCO also become possible?
In the short term, there will be no changes to the previous processes, i.e. registration will - in most cases - take place on paper and will then be entered into heiCO by the examination administration. In the longer term, self-registration is also possible, if desired by the subjects’ officials.
Which curriculum context or degree programme do I have to select when registering for an exam?
Select the degree programme for which the exam is to be credited. If you are enrolled in a multiple degree programme, you must select the relevant sub-degree programme. Do not select the overarching degree programme in which both partial degree programmes are listed. Then select the curriculum context for which the exam is to be credited.
If you would like to have an exam credited as an interdisciplinary competency or as an additional achievement, you must select the option "Free registration" under "Select curriculum context".