
Favourite Places

Scholarship holders present their favorite place in Heidelberg and explain why it means so much to them. Maybe you would also like to visit this place in the future.

Manca is a bachelor’s student in chemistry and a Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarship holder since the winter semester 2022 | 2023 with a passion for nature and a talent for poetry. This is why she did not want to miss the opportunity to pay tribute to her favourite place in Heidelberg in a very special way.

Manca Mursa

Mit großer Freude gehe ich spazieren,
einfach vom Studentenwohnheim den Berg hinauf,
in die Natur, um Sorgen zu verlieren,
nur so entspanne ich mich im Lauf.

Liebe schöne grüne Wiese,
in dir finde ich immer Ruhe
einsam weht über dich die Brise,
behutsam streichelst du meine Schuhe,
lebhaft scheint auf dich die Sonne,
immer hörst du neben dem Vogelgesang
noch andere angenehme Töne,
gerne laufe ich auf dir entlang,
somit wird mein Kopf wieder klarer,
optimistischer und, was mir am besten gefällt,
rationaler, sodass
traumhaft wirkt die ganze Welt.

As you can find out easily from this poem, my favourite place in Heidelberg is a beautiful meadow on the hill right above the Bierhelderhof. I love being in nature since my home country is also very green. And this large meadow in particular not only reminds me of my home town (Slovenia – editor’s note) but also offers me peace, some silence and the opportunity to go jogging. Also, this place is quite special to me. A few days after I came to Heidelberg, I met a fellow student who has now become my best friend in Heidelberg. So, this is why this meadow also means friendship and trust.

Natur Manca