Hella Bühler Prize

Call for Applications 2025

Applications can be submitted in the period from 15 October 2024 to 31 January 2025. For further information, please have a look at the call for applications.
To the Call for Applications

The Hella Bühler Prize – which comes with a prize money of 100,000 euros – is granted by Heidelberg University and is one of the most valuable awards in the field of cancer research. It goes back to the dentist Dr Hella Bühler who bequeathed her fortune to the University with the stipulation that a prize in cancer research should be awarded from the proceeds. Since 2004, this research award named after her has supported young researchers at Heidelberg University as well as young researchers who are associated with the university in scientific cooperation to continue and deepen their promising research work. With her engagement, Dr Bühler set an important example for the medical research in Heidelberg. The majority of the award winners are still active in cancer research, today. For many of them, receiving the Hella Bühler Prize was an important part of their scientifc careers.

Previous Award Winners and Research Projects


Dr. Ana Banito
Spatiotemporal deconvolution of oncogene withdrawal in pediatric sarcomas
Dr. Wilhelm Palm
Targeting pancreatic cancer metabolism
Prof. Dr. Segio P. Acebrón
USP42 is a molecular switch between Wnt and p53 signalling in CRC
Dr. Lukas Bunse
Kombinierte Immuntherapien gegen für Gehirntumoren typische Mechanismen der Immunresistenz
Dr. Sevin Turcan
Deciphering the transcriptional networks in IDH mutant gliomas
Dr. Matthias Osswald
Weitere Charakterisierung der Tumor Microtube – vermittelten Gliomzell-Gliomzell-Kommunikation, Gliomzell-Astrozyten-Kommunikation und deren therapeutischen Relevanz
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Erhardt
A role of centremere components in Cancer and Cancer Therapy
Prof. Dr. Stephan Singer
Remodelling of the Nuclear Pore Complex (NPC) in Liver Cancer
Prof. Dr. Carmen Wängler
Entwicklung heterobivalenter peptidischer Liganden für eine verbesserte spezifische Bildgebung (…)
Prof. Dr. Sven Diederichs
Lange nicht-codierende RNAs in Tumorerkrankungen
Dr. Christiane Opitz
Identifizierung der Signalwege, durch die Kynurenin als endogener Ligand des Arylhydrocarbon Rezeptors den malignen Phänotyp von Gliomen fördert
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fischer
Wie Signalwege Blutgefäße im ruhenden Zustand halten und die Entwicklung zerebraler Kavernome verhindern
Prof. Dr. Sven Danckwardt
Die rätselhafte Beziehung zwischen Blutgerinnung und Krebs: Epiphenomen oder funktionell relevant
Prof. Dr. Jochen Utikal
Untersuchungen zum Reprogrammierungs-Mechanismus von beignen und malignen melanozytären Zellen in induzierte pluripotente Stammzellen
Prof. Dr. Ronald Koschny
Neue experimentelle Ansätze zur Therapie des Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebses
Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfister
Untersuchung der Rolle von SGK1 in der Pathogenese und im Therapieansprechen des Medulloblastoms
Prof. Dr. Heike Allgayer
Entwicklung molekularer Stagingmodelle basierend auf ausgewählten Parametern unter Verwendung der molekularen Markerfusion
Prof. Dr. Helmut Fries
Pathogenese und Therapie des Pankreaskarzinoms

Impressions of the Award Ceremony 2024