University Representatives & Lobbies
Staff Council for the University
The Staff Council represents the interests of the employees of Heidelberg University towards the department. It is responsible for ensuring that the relevant laws, collective agreements and other regulations are observed and implemented. The State Personnel Representation Act (LPVG) forms the legal basis for these tasks.
Staff Council for the University
The Staff Council represents the interests of the employees of Heidelberg University towards the department. It is responsible for ensuring that the relevant laws, collective agreements and other regulations are observed and implemented. The “Landespersonalvertretungsgesetz” (LPVG) constitutes the legal basis for these tasks.
Student Representatives
Student representatives
The students of a subject form a student council, or Fachschaft for short. In the student councils, students volunteer for the study conditions, e.g. by contributing to the design of the course, holding plenary meetings or information events such as introductions to the First Class, parties and much more.
Constituted Student Body
The Constituted Student Body (Verfasste Studierendenschaft) is responsible for the higher education policy, subject and interdisciplinary as well as social, economic and cultural matters of the students. It promotes the political education and the sense of civic responsibility of the students and the reduction of disadvantages within the student body.
Equal Opportunities Commissioner
Equality is a continuous effort which needs to be adjusted constantly to fit current requirements. It involves the university as a whole. The goal is to create equal opportunities and chances by reflecting on needs and requirements, thereby strengthening Heidelberg University‘s reputation as an attractive employer and innovative research site.