Department 5.3  Personnel development

HR Development supports managers, employees and trainees in developing and maintaining their professional skills. It advises on all issues relating to further training and personnel development: from supporting onboarding to planning and organising individual training courses and shaping transitions to the next career step. The heiTRACKS career support and the Dual Career Service are aimed particularly at academics.

Contacts and areas of responsibility

Head of department

Dr. Sita Schanne
Tel.: +49 6221 54-12509

Deputy: Oliver Orth
Tel.: +49 6221 54-12530


Martina Rohrmann
Tel.: +49 6221 54-12542



This page provides an overview of the department's publicly available contact persons. All contact persons are available via the button below in the internal administration area.

All Contacts of Department 5.3 (Internal access)
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