Cooperation4EU+ Launches Two New Funding Programmes

30 March 2023

Funds for cross-university cooperation in research and teaching

In order to strengthen its strategic cooperation and enable joint growth, the 4EU+ European University Alliance has launched two new interuniversity funding programmes. With the two calls for application, the alliance aims to bolster links between the seven partner universities, make room for new ideas and support cross-university projects linking up students, university teachers and researchers in the framework of a European comprehensive research university.

The aim of the SEED4EU+ call is to make progress with harmonising the individual objectives of the seven 4EU+ universities. It funds innovative projects not covered by traditional funding programmes in the fields of research, teaching, innovation, public relations and citizen science. Eligible to apply are researchers with a doctorate wishing to implement creative projects at a minimum of three 4EU+ locations in an interdisciplinary way. The participation of students and early career researchers is expressly desired. The maximum grant per project is 50,000 euros for a period of up to 12 months; extension by one more year is possible on application.

The aim of the 4EU+ Visiting Professorships call is to expand cooperation within 4EU+, develop new approaches in research and teaching, and generate new knowledge. The pilot programme is designed to create incentives for involvement in common projects in the context of the alliance. The visiting professorships are addressed to researchers at all seven partner universities wanting to carry out joint activities in research and teaching with their team at the respective host university. That includes setting up 4EU+ research teams, organising conferences or seminars, taking on teaching commitments and developing new teaching formats, as well as feeding the results into society. The 4EU+ Visiting Professorships are planned to last at least two months, but a maximum of three, and they can be enjoyed at several intervals over the period of an academic year.

The 4EU+ European University Alliance brings together the seven universities of Prague, Heidelberg, Sorbonne in Paris, Copenhagen, Geneva, Milan and Warsaw. The group is one of the university alliances funded in the context of the European Universities Erasmus+ call. After the 4EU+ alliance was successful in the pilot call, the European Union in July 2022 approved funding for another four years. By supporting strategic higher education partnerships and building up an integrated university system, the European Commission pursues the goal of clustering research, teaching and innovation in Europe in new structures, and thereby modernising and strengthening the European Education Area.

The closing date for submitting applications within the funding lines SEED4EU+ and 4EU+ Visiting Professorships is 1 June 2023. Any initial questions about applying from Heidelberg University may be addressed to