The current edition of our research magazine focuses on the twin subjects of HEALTH & DISEASE – an area in which the University possesses ample competences, by virtue of its two medical faculties in Heidelberg and Mannheim. The faculties are supplemented by medical and life science institutions of national and international renown that have made Heidelberg a premier location for research into the central questions of health and illness. In their exemplary articles for this magazine, Heidelberg scientists offer a glimpse into the future of cancer therapy, discuss possible applications of nanoscopy and describe innovative ways of treating pain.

But even beyond the strictly medical aspect, our new subject HEALTH & DISEASE once again highlights the research strength of Heidelberg University in the wide range of disciplines and academic cultures that only a comprehensive university has to offer. Hence we have also included articles dealing with the legal and ethical challenges involved in genome sequencing, the question of how culture and history affect our understanding of health and sickness, and the unhealthy effects of climate change asa political tool to enforce international environmental standards. Additional articles by authors from the fields of literary studies, sociology and scientific computing offer yet more insights into the many aspects of HEALTH & DISEASE.

I wish you an exciting and inspiring reading experience.

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Eitel
President of Heidelberg University

Issue 6 · June 2015