Marie Curie Doctoral Networks RESCO4NoPain

Frontier RESearch COmpetences for Neuro-modulation and Oscillations in Pain

Project duration: 01.02.2025 – 31.01.2029

Testing a mechanistic approach to non-medicinal treatment of chronic pain is the topic of the doctoral network “Frontier RESearch COmpetences for Neuro-modulation and Oscillations in Pain” (FRESCO4NoPain). Its focus is neuronal oscillations generated by the human brain that also influence perception. The researchers hypothesize that many types of persistent pain are due to maladaptive brain oscillatory activity.

In the interplay between basic research, experimental tests and clinical studies, the study aims to discover whether non-invasive neuromodulation is suited to treating pain. The coordinating institution for the MSCA doctoral network is Aalborg Universitet (Denmark). Leading the work at Heidelberg University is Prof. Dr Rohini Kuner, Executive Director of the Institute of Pharmacology, which is located at the Medical Faculty Heidelberg of Heidelberg University.

Coordination: Aalborg University, Dänemark
Head (Heidelberg): Prof. Dr Rohini Kuner
Institution (Heidelberg): Medical Faculty Heidelberg

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