Talks and events for new students Talks and events for new students
In the two weeks prior to the beginning of the lecture period and before the official start of the semester, all new students are invited to participate in a comprehensive and diverse programme of talks and events. Find out more about Heidelberg University, get tips and tricks to help you settle in at the start of semester, and make sure you’ve got everything you need to get to grips with studying!

Talks and Events
Making a Strong Start in University Life
With the programme “A strong start in university life” the Central Student Advisory Office offers all students a comprehensive range of courses to acquire degree-related self-management skills, and to provide support in difficult phases of their degree course.
Checklist: Prepared as Possible to Begin your Studies
Are you interested in studying at Heidelberg University and wondering what your next steps should be? How should you apply and what else needs to be done before you can begin your studies? No problem - our checklist “Prepared as Possible to Begin your Studies” will help you gain an overview of the most important steps and provides useful tips on where you can find additional information or advice.
Get Together on COMMUNITY
COMMUNITY – das ist das Campus-eigene Online-Tool auf Moodle: Mitmachen und unterstützen, netzwerken, informieren, treffen – you!
Über das Posten eines Beitrags in themenspezifischen Foren können Sie Gleichgesinnte und Ansprechpartner*innen zu verschiedenen Themen finden – und zwar fach- und semesterübergreifend. Über die Nachrichtenfunktion können Interessierte dann direkt Kontakt aufnehmen.
Get your Library Tote Bag
The popular library tote bags will be distributed free of charge at the start of the semester.
Fitness programmes of Hochschulsport and Univital
The fitness programmes of Hochschulsport and Univital offer many ways of staying active when starting out at university. On a YouTube channel there are over 70 cost-free videos full of challenges and workouts, to name but a few. It is also worth taking a look at our websites – there you will find a large selection of sports and health-related options.
heiPOD - Your podcast for your studies
Podcast episodes
What do students wish they had known about their degree programme beforehand? And what should everyone in Heidelberg have done at least once? In heiPOD, students talk about their subjects and everyday life as a student, advisors from the Central Student Advisory Service reveal tips and tricks about studying and you find out what else the university has to offer.