Question and Answer Session for New Students How does the CampusCard work? How do I take books out on loan? Which university cafeteria has the best coffee? With the help of an academic advisor and a Heidelberg student, we’ll answer all of your questions about getting started in Heidelberg in this live question and answer session. | 12th March 2025, 09:30 - 11:00
Online | |
Möglichkeiten zur Studienfinanzierung Wie finanziere ich mein Studium am besten? BAföG, Stipendium, Kredit oder Nebenjob? Dieser Vortrag bietet einen Überblick über die Möglichkeiten, erklärt in Kürze wie Sie BAföG beantragen können und hilft bei den verschiedenen Anforderungen nicht die Übersicht zu verlieren. | 13th March 2025, 14:00 - 15:00
Online via heiCONF | |
Lerntipps zum Studienstart Wie sieht ein gutes Lernumfeld aus und wie erstelle ich einen Lernplan? Wie kann ich mir den komplexen Stoff so einprägen, dass ich ihn auch später noch gut abrufen kann? Und wie schaffe ich es, mich für all das zu motivieren? In diesem Vortrag lernen Sie Tricks und Kniffe für ein erfolgreiches Lernen im Studium kennen. | 18th March 2025, 10:00 - 11:00
Online | |
The most important URZ IT services for students Uni-ID, WLAN via eduroam, MFA, heiCO, heiBOX, Moodle and much more - the University Computing Centre (URZ) offers a wide range of IT services for students. Many of these services are essential for succeeding in your studies and make everyday student life easier. In this online tutorial, we will introduce the most important IT services for students, and you will also learn more about the contact points and support services offered by the URZ. | 31st March 2025, 9:30 - 10:00 | |
Video „IT offerings for students” (English) | | |
The most important URZ IT services for students (German) Uni-ID, WLAN via eduroam, MFA, heiCO, heiBOX, Moodle and much more - the University Computing Centre (URZ) offers a wide range of IT services for students. Many of these services are essential for succeeding in your studies and make everyday student life easier. In this online tutorial, we will introduce the most important IT services for students, and you will also learn more about the contact points and support services offered by the URZ. | 31st March 2025, 10:30 - 11:00 | |
Video „IT offerings for students” (German) | | |
The University Library (UB) for Beginners - An Overview of Library Services How do I register at the University Library and take books out on loan? How do I use the reading room at the University Library and how do I conduct effective research using the library catalogue (HEIDI)? The presentation will give you an overview of the most important library services and will point you towards supplementary assistance and courses. The presentation will be followed by a tour of the library. | 2nd April 2025, 10:00 - 11:00
Neue Universität, HS 14, Grabengasse 3-5 |
Question and Answer Session for New Students How does the CampusCard work? How do I take books out on loan? Which university cafeteria has the best coffee? With the help of an academic advisor and a Heidelberg student, we’ll answer all of your questions about getting started in Heidelberg in this live question and answer session. | 3rd April 2025, 15:00 - 16:30
Neue Universität, HS 13, Grabengasse 3-5 |
Polyvalent Bachelor’s Degree Programme – Becoming a Teacher Before the beginning of the lecture period, you will receive information about the structure of the Bachelor’s degree programme for prospective teachers, tips on how to organise your studies and will have the opportunity to talk to other first-semester students | 4th April 2025, 12:00 - 13:30
In presence | |
Laufend ins Lehramt Aktiv ins neue Semester starten, zentrale Orte des Lehramtsstudiums an der Universität Heidelberg kennenlernen – das bietet die Campus-Tour Laufend ins Lehramt | 04. April 2025 von 13:30 -15:30 Uhr
Heidelberg School of Education, Voßstraße 2, Gebäude 4330, 69115 Heidelberg | |