German citizensRegistration for subjects with no admission restrictions or entrance examinations

In subjects with no admission restrictions and no required entrance examination, you may – if you meet the formal prerequisites – enrol during the official enrolment period. It is necessary to register previously in heiCO and to accept the university place via the platform in due time.

Further information

The university allocates the number of available places in each degree programme in accordance with the criteria specified in the selection regulations/admission regulations or study and examination regulations. Please read the respective regulations of your desired degree programme carefully!

Features specific to certain degree programmes

The courses in Sport, Bachelor and Jewish Studies, 75%,50%,,25% BA are subject to specific requirements. Please select these subjects in our Study Programme Finder to access the relevant information.

Admission and Degree Programme Requirements

All degree programmes at Heidelberg University have specific admission and degree requirements. Depending on the specific nature of your university entrance qualification, there may be restrictions on the range of subjects you will be able to study. In addition to this, there may be subject-specific application and submission deadlines or mandatory aptitude tests. Applicants may also be required to submit additional, specific documents as part of the application procedure for certain degree programmes.