USA exchange programs

Students at the University of Heidelberg have 50 - 55 places at various American universities and colleges at their disposal. The application procedures and deadlines for both programs are identical, i.e. you can apply simultaneously for study places in the direct exchange program and in the state programs.

University of Utah

Most study places are available to students from all subjects with the exception of Medicine. Law students can only apply for the University of Oklahoma as their Law School is a participant of the exchange program.

Some universities offer positions as Teaching Assistants or as Cultural Ambassador.

Tuition-free places in LL.M. programs are unfortunately not available.

Universities in bilateral programmes (direct exchange)

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Universities in state-to-state-programs


State-to-State Program Baden-Württemberg/ Connecticut

Under this state program, tuition-free seats are available at public and private institutions of higher education in Connecticut.

 Participating colleges: University of Connecticut, Central Connecticut State University, Southern Connecticut State University, Eastern Connecticut State University; Connecticut College, Trinity College, Wesleyan University, Yale University, Yale Divinity School.

Eastern Connecticut State University

Duration: 1 - 2 semesters

Scholarship Benefits: Tuition waiver

Requirements: at least 4 completed semesters of study at the start of the stay; TOEFL or Duolingo (min. 100)