Study Management of Studies

Whether it's a change of course, leave of absence or exmatriculation - Heidelberg University wants to make it as easy as possible for all students to organise their studies. Many issues and a number of administrative procedures can be carried out online. In addition, the Serviceportal offers students quick advice and help for questions concerning their studies. The service portal can be contacted by telephone and e-mail. Personal consultations are also possible.

Current Information

Heidelberg University is introducing a new campus management system “heiCO” – Heidelberg Campus Online.
Learn more

Tuition Fees

Tuition Fees

There are fees for studying at Heidelberg University. The fee is due at the beginning of each semester upon re-registration or must be paid during enrolment.

Funding of Studies

Planning your time at university also always means figuring out how to cover your expenses during that time.

Organizational Matters


For many students, preparing for examinations can be an extremely stressful time. Heidelberg University supports students throughout the administrative tasks involved in examinations and offers advisory sessions and support to help students with the management of their examinations, and exam-related anxiety.


Our online functions are intended to save you steps as well as simplify and speed up the various processes. Please use these functionalities to your benefit.

Student ID

Heidelberg University provides its students with a multifunctional student ID. The card identifies its holder as a student of Heidelberg University. The ID card combines services and payment functions that require an ID card or login.

Name change for trans students (DE)

Trans* students who wish to be registered in the university's (general) database with their new name and the other gender in order to be addressed and written to accordingly can submit an informal application.

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