Students’ Energy Price Allowance

The Students’ Energy Price Allowance Act came into force. According to this law, students are entitled to a one-off payment of 200 euros to relieve the effects of the increase in energy costs. The prerequisite is that on 1 December 2022 you were enrolled at Heidelberg University and had your residence or habitual abode in Germany on the specified date.

Please note that you are only eligible to apply if you were a resident or had your habitual abode in Germany on 1 December 2022. Regular attendance of an educational institution in Germany alone does not establish habitual abode in Germany, when you have a residence abroad (cross-border commuter). A study stay abroad limited to a maximum of two semesters and an associated foreign residence is not detrimental, provided that you are still enrolled at your educational institution in Germany at the same time.

For application for the one-off payment you will need your personal access code and in addition your personal identification number (PIN).

Go to the following website*: and log in with your Uni ID and password. On the next screen, you will see your personal access code and PIN.

*Please note: To increase security, access is restricted to the university network. Outside the university network, an active VPN connection is therefore required (see also

If you cannot log in to this portal but believe you are entitled to this payment, please contact via email (subject line: EPPSG one-off payment).


You can use your access code to submit an application for the one-off payment at

In addition to the access code, you will also need a BundID account and one of the following for identification when submitting your application

  • online ID feature (of a German ID card, electronic residence permit, European eID) or
  • your ELSTER certificate or
  • your personal identification number (PIN)

You can find comprehensive information on submitting applications at There and on

you will also find information on setting up a BundID account and activating the online ID function. In addition, you have received your personal identification number (PIN).

To identify by PIN, please create a BundID account at with a user name, password, and a valid e-mail address. You can then use the access code, PIN, and BundID account to submit your application without an electronic ID.


If you have any problems with your application, please first read the FAQ. If you have any further questions, please contact the support for applicants. In case of technical errors, it is helpful to provide screenshots.

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